Adobe Quarterly Revenue Share by Segment
The above graph represents Adobe quarterly revenue share by segment - Digital Media, Digital Experience and Publishing. As the graph shows, Adobe generates a majority of its quarterly revenue from Digital Media segment, followed by Digital Experience and Publishing....
Adobe Quarterly Subscription Revenue by Segment
The above graph represents the adobe quarterly subscription revenue by segment - Digital Media, Digital Experience and Publishing. Adobe subscription revenue in Q1 2020 reached an all-time high of $2,825 million, representing a 23% YoY growth. The Digital Media...
Adobe Quarterly Revenue by Segment: FY Q1 2011 – Q1 2020
Abhishek -
The above graph represents the Adobe quarterly revenue by segment, starting from fiscal Q1 2011 to the recently completed quarter. The company has three reportable segments: Digital Media, Digital Experience and Publishing. Adobe's Digital Media and Digital Experience segments revenue...
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