mobile ads revenue

Mobile Ownership Trend In BRIC Markets: Mobile Advertising Revenue In 2013 To Surpass $4.86 Billion In Asia pacific And Japan

As number of smartphone and tablet is ramping up, we could easily predict that the mobile advertising revenue in 2013 is going to create a new history. Interestingly, the demand of smartphones and tablets has continuously been increasing since the...

Facebook Seems Aggressive To Generate Revenue From Its 425 Million Mobile Users

There has always been a big question about Facebook that whether its mobile app benefits the company by anyhow or not.  The accessing of Facebook through the mobile devices is increasing with dizzying pace. A majority of Facebook users...
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5 Ways Generative AI Will Disrupt the Payments Industry in 2025

Generative AI is one of the most hotly anticipated developments in the fintech landscape in 2025, and its disruptive...
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