middle east

Facebook Nurturing More Than 1 Billion Users: But where Are These People Coming From?

Facebook continues to grow, escalating from past 1 billion users, but where are these people coming from?. Well, Pretty interesting to know many of them flew from Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Since the beginning of 2012, more than...

China’s WaterWorld – Resort For A Future

The Atkin’s Architecture group which is the famous multinational engineering and design consultancy with more of Middle East and Indian clientele, has recently been awarded first for their excellent designing and engineering on the resort in Songjiang, China, called the Water World, for an international design competition.
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5 Ways Generative AI Will Disrupt the Payments Industry in 2025

Generative AI is one of the most hotly anticipated developments in the fintech landscape in 2025, and its disruptive...
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