When a company prepares for its initial public offering (IPO), it typically undergoes various transformations, often including cost-cutting measures to improve its bottom line. In a similar vein, Ola Cabs, a prominent ride-hailing company, is preparing for its IPO...
The film "Theory of Everything," based on Stephen William Hawking, does a remarkable job of portraying the genius. Hawking outlived his fatal Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) disease, which typically gives a two-year life expectancy. Beyond his resilience, he also...
Kerry Francis Bullmore Packer, renowned as the 'Prince of Whales,' was a savvy entrepreneur, media mogul, formidable figure in the gambling industry, and a generous philanthropist. Despite a challenging and isolated childhood, Packer successfully built and commanded a powerful...
Apart from being one of the 100 most influential people in 2006 on Time Magazine's list and being awarded the prestigious award “IT-prisen” ("The IT Prize") in Denmark, presented by the Danish IT industry and IDG, for his work...
Andy Rubin is widely regarded as an exceptional individual, possessing not only the qualities of an inventor but also the business acumen of a successful entrepreneur. As the founder of Android, a company that was later acquired by Google...
Gender diversity is important in every organization. Having both women and men in a team allows the company to gain advantages from the different perspectives and approaches that come from different life experiences. Most organizations tough are still dealing...
As the saying goes, there’s no such thing as a self-made man. No entrepreneur succeeds without help and guidance from others, whether it’s from friends, family, or even paid advisors.
Entrepreneurship isn't for everyone, it's clear. But, how do you...
The business leaders who find success in their role and take their company to new heights always look to improve their abilities as a leader. Many aspects make up a successful company, but it is very hard to find...
Believe in yourself is the most underestimated quotation of all times. As a startup owner, although, this might just be your mantra. There are several reasons why a startup fail, but there are a million reasons why they succeed....
The CEOs of hugely successful companies in the U.S, like Elon Musk and Bill Gates, have something of a heroic reputation. Their achievements are so significant that it can be easy to assume they have some kind of superhuman...