Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) has maintained its unparalleled lead in the US online search market. In August, out of 19.1 billion explicit search queries, Google Sites ranked first with 12.7 billion, according to ComScore August report. Microsoft Sites maintained the...
Smartphone in the US have penetrated 60% of the total mobile market during the three months ending in July. 143.3 million people in the US now own smartphones, reported comScore. Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) gained the top spot among smartphone...
Rapid advancements in the field of technology and the increasing number of smartphone users has opened up yet another great opportunity for marketers in the form of m-commerce. Smartphones have definitely enabled users to do more than just traditional...
The US Smartphone Industry is witnessing a slow but steady shift; be it preferred Smartphone maker or OS. According to the latest report from ComScore, tracking key trends of the US Smartphone market of 3 months, ended May 2013, Android...
One could find no better time than now to engage with social media. Every sixth minute of Internet users is getting consumed by social media. More than 1 Billion active users are available on Facebook alone. Pinterest and Instagram...
While the social media activities in India have leapfrogged almost every other online activity in terms of usage and engagement, a new report reveals that Facebook has emerged as the most engaged platform for online users – beating arch...
Yahoo Inc is redesigning its Yahoo Mail services for better performance and to counter the competition from long term arch rival Microsoft and Gmail. Company is facing tough time due to rise in social networking arena where Facebook and Twitter are slowly transforming user base of Yahoo to themselves. Yahoo's recent move has been considered as a result of recent revamp by Microsoft and Gmail.
People with Web-browsing phones are spending a lot more of their minutes accessing social networks these days, according to a new study from ComScore.The study, released Wednesday, pegs social networking as the fastest growing activity among people with smartphones and other advanced phones that offer Web browsing, which are also known as feature phones.