Coffee Day Enterprises

Coffee Day Enterprises Annual Revenue by Product

The above graph represents Coffee Day Enterprises annual revenue by product. In FY 2018, the company generated a record Rs 19,600.35 million in revenue from the sale of products. RegionWorldwideSourceCoffee Day Annual ReportsLast Updated08 August 2019Graph ID424NoteFiscal Year – from...

Coffee Day Enterprises Annual Revenue by Services

The above graph represents Coffee Day Enterprises annual revenue by services. In FY 2018, the total consolidated revenue from operations reached an all-time high of Rs 37,879.75 million. Interestingly, over 42% of that came from the sale of services....

Coffee Day Enterprises Annual Revenue from Operations

The above graph represents Coffee Day Enterprises annual revenue from operations, on a consolidated basis. The total operating revenue of Coffee Day Enterprises in FY 2018 reached an all-time high of Rs 37,879.75 million. That's an impressive 21.4% YoY...

Coffee Day Enterprises Revenue by Country – FY 2011 – 2018

The above graph represents Coffee Day Enterprises annual revenue by country - India, Europe and other foreign countries. In FY 2017-18, the company reported gross revenue of Rs 43,305.13 million, with 22% YoY increase. Approximately 98% of that came...

Coffee Day Enterprises Annual Revenue by Segment

The above graph represents Coffee Day Enterprises annual revenue by segment, starting from fiscal 2011 to 2018. The consolidated gross revenue of Coffee Day Enterprises increased an impressive 22% YoY in FY 2017-18, to Rs 43,305.12 million. Interestingly, nearly...

Coffee Day Enterprises Total Income by Year – FY 2011 – 2018

The above graph represents the total income of Coffee Day Enterprises, by year. In fiscal 2017-18, the company's total income touched Rs 38,511.08 million, with a year-over-year increase of 21%. This was the highest-ever YoY growth the Coffee king...

Total Operating Revenue of Coffee Day Enterprises, by Year

The above graph represents the total operating revenue of Coffee Day Enterprises by year. In the fiscal year ended 31 March 2018, the company recorded an impressive 21.4% year-over-year increase in its consolidated operating revenue, beginning in Rs 37,879.75...
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