apps marketing

Influencer Marketing: A Game Changer for Mobile Apps!

Mobile app development companies spend a good amount of time figuring out how to boost conversion rates and drive revenue. As the world moves forward digitally, the traditional mode of marketing has made for something more inventive that is...

Why 80% App Developers Are Impotent To Standalone Their Business?

Undoubtedly, over a million applications are available in the market across different platforms. Apple surpassed 25 billion apps downloads prior to March of this year and Android has also reportedly surpassed 15 billion apps download from its Google Play...
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India’s Top 3 IT Firms Let Go 65k Employees in FY24: Is Automation the Culprit?

Tech industry layoffs post-Covid have been a major concern, affecting white-collar employment in India. This trend isn't confined to...
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