Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are two names that have become synonymous with innovation in the technical world. And of course, everyone knows these two tech wizards- one changed the way we compute and the other, the way we socialise. However, Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) and Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) have a similar single mission: to connect the people around the world. And this is precisely the reason why Mark decided to launch a Facebook Book Club last year.
Apart from being Harvard university drop-outs, these two master coders share one more common passion: the passion for reading.
For Facebook Book Club, the social networking mogul set out a goal to read 23 books that focused on cultures, beliefs, histories and technologies.
As for the Microsoft Czar, his interests lie in the nonfiction books, which cover his foundation’s and his interests. While both of tech bigwigs hs have their own choice of readings, it’s interesting, valuable as well, to know their common interest. And, if there are books that have enticed both renowned entrepreneurs, it becomes a ‘must read‘ for all aspiring and budding entrepreneurs.
Read further to know which are the top three books for entrepreneurs that have made these geniuses stay up late at night and the ones that they highly recommend!
The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined by Steven Pinker
The 800-page book written by a Harvard psychologist deals with one of the most natural subjects: violence. In this intimidating book, the author presents a number of evidences to prove that the human race has become less violent and more humane since the beginning of civilization. It could be of a particular interest as to how violence has decreased, despite being highlighted by social media and news channels. The book inspired Gates’ foundation‘s work and led him to offer humanitarian services.
On Immunity by Eula Biss
Authored by a new mother, this book by Eula investigates the benefits of vaccination. A majority of population in the US and Europe have started the anti-vaccination movement, claiming vaccines to be a ‘bad idea’. In her book, Biss pulls apart the argument with the help of a number of literary tools combined with philosophical and scientific analysis to conclude that vaccination is beneficial.
Making the Modern World
Gates and Zuckerberg, are tremendously smitten by the idea to change the world and improving the lives of people. Gates’ favourite author, Vaclav Smil, in his award-winning book, writes in detail about the issue of materials. It is quite revealing to understand the materialisation and dematerialization of human needs and how much materials do the affluent consume. Smil argues satisfactorily that the key change the lives of the poor lies in the ‘giving up’ of materials by rich countries. History has been a witness to the slow growth of material consumption and how it has divided the societies. This book, justifies the need of the hour, as we head into a century where resources are limited and the demands are skyrocketing.
Zuckerberg intends to read this book, as he found another book titled ‘Energy: A Beginner’s Guide‘ very informative.
Books For Entrepreneurs: What Can You Learn?
- Being an entrepreneur makes you busy in life. But, make sure that you spend time working on things you are passionate about. Investing time in hobbies is a trait of a successful entrepreneur. Mark Zuckerberg had planned on to read 23 books in a year. Reading books will ensure that you have a broader perspective and the wisdom one gathers from such books, is beyond exemplary.
- These three books, highly recommended by Gates and Zuckerberg, discusses contemporary issues which require immediate attention.
- As a startup owner, wanting to change the world, books could be the secret path to glory, as one can learn from other’s mistakes and evolve better in a competitive environment.
- As Gates revealed that, Pinker’s book influenced his foundation’s work compelling him to engage in humanitarian work, a book will surely open your eyes to the problems of the world and may push you to innovate and invent to alleviate the problems of the world.