Tech shows; we all know them, love them, and wish we could get to them. Unfortunately, that’s not always possible. Or is it?
Moving traditional physical activities online has been a growing trend of late. There’s perhaps no industry that highlights this as much as the gambling industry – there are hundreds of online casino sites you could try or find one on as per your style and preferences.
Many tech shows have also decided to move their gatherings online. Like, many websites that focus on tech news are buzzing with the upcoming changes to the shows we all love.
A Permanent Arrangement?
While attending a tech conference online at convenient times might seem like an ideal solution, there’s still a long way to go.
Most large tech companies seem to agree that digital conferences are the best option. Several have all but confirmed that their me etings are moving to digital permanently.
At the 2020 Microsoft Build Conference launch, CEO Satya Nadella hinted at the conference being digital for years to come. He said that the company had the vision to empower every developer.
Within the span of a few weeks, the Digital GPU Technology Conference (GTC) saw a groundbreaking keynote address. Jensen Huang, the CEO of Nvidia, delivered a 2-hour long talk from the comfort of his kitchen. The speech was broadcast in 12 minute long segments.
Not surprisingly, the GTC conference saw a rise in attendance. Spike would probably be a more appropriate description since the attendance increased from 10,000 last year to nearly 60,000 this year. These statistics beg the question, ‘Are digital conferences better?’
Microsoft and Nvidia, two of the world leaders in their field, certainly seem to indicate that digital is the way to go. Not everyone agrees, but everyone also doesn’t own a billion-dollar company. If trendsetters like Apple and Microsoft adopt digital conferences, smaller brands won’t resist.
Online Tech Shows: Advantages
There are many things which we could consider positive around tech shows becoming digital. However, first and foremost, let’s take a look at the type of people who work in this industry.
There’s a percentage of people that enter the technology industry because it’s ‘cool’ or ‘revolutionary’ – and it truly is both those things. However, many people in this type of industry are driven, self-sufficient, and like to work independently. A fact that’s partially attested to by the significant increase in conference attendance this year.
The truth is, being able to watch a tech program while sitting on their beds or lounging in PJs is likely very appealing to introverted developers and programmers. That makes remote access a particularly attractive function.
However, there are many other reasons why remote access can be an advantage. For example, if you miss a segment or a moment during a live session, there’s nothing you can do. However, with a digital conference, you can sit back and rewind.
No doubt one of the most attractive factors to many people is the reduction in costs. Previously, many people were able to scrape together enough money for conference tickets.
However, we all know that there are more costs for attending a conference than just buying tickets. You still need to pay for transport, whether by bus, train, car, or plane. Besides which, once you get there, you need to pay for accommodation and your daily meals.
All of these things contribute significantly toward the appeal of a digital conference. Even the tickets themselves are considerably cheaper than they would have been for a physical conference. All in all, turning to digital makes the conference more accessible to the general public.
Digitizing Conferences: The Flip Side
There aren’t very many disadvantages in turning to remote conferences. The main drawbacks would be for those who like the social aspect of the meetings.
However, other potential disadvantages could include a lack of infrastructure in the attendees’ hometown and not seeing new technologies in person.
Whether we’re talking about the casino industry, the fast-food industry, or tech companies, digital is here to stay. From Adobe Summit to Oracle Openworld, it’s unlikely that tech conferences will ever go back to being only physical. So, tune in, relax, and get your fix of all the latest innovations.