Despite the fact that the stock market has begun to bounce back from the initial impact of COVID-19, unemployment figures are still very high in the United States. Millions of people currently depend on federally extended unemployment benefits, and few experts predict that unemployment numbers will return to pre-pandemic rates soon. It could take years for the economy as a whole to recover.
In the meantime, though, some businesses have managed to survive and even thrive under the current (admittedly challenging) conditions. And, as a result, some business owners now find themselves in the strange position of needing to expand their operation during a global pandemic. Still, it’s unclear how companies should go about the hiring process at the moment. Should geography play a part in the decision and how should companies vet and interview potential employees?
Remote Connections
As one might imagine, plenty of businesses are using video-conferencing apps and platforms to schedule remote interviews with candidates for job openings. Though business leaders have used these methods to effectively stay in touch with current employees working remotely, they may not present the same advantages for getting to know a new person. Regardless, in many instances, remote connections are the best and safest way for businesses to hold the first round of interviews with prospective hires.
The one positive of this setup is that businesses may take the opportunity to expand their search parameters. Indeed, rather than looking for a candidate within a few miles of their headquarters, business leaders may be more willing to reach out to freelancers and professionals to work on a full-time, remote basis.
Increased Emphasis on Experience
Even businesses that are in a “safe” financial position can’t afford to make a bad hire or two during the current economic situation. Under “normal” circumstances, a bad hire could cost a company thousands of dollars ––as well as months of hard work and preparation. Given all that, it’s not surprising that experience has become a greater factor for many business leaders in the hiring process. What’s more, the simple fact of the matter is that the current job market favours companies looking for new employees. So individuals with high levels of experience are likely to overshadow recent graduates, for example.
How In-Person Interviews May be Conducted
Eventually, many business leaders will have to come face-to-face with a new employee or candidate. Considering the current public-health situation, though, business leaders will –– understandably –– have to take some extra precautions to ensure the safety of all involved. This could include, but is not limited to:
- Requiring participants in the interview to be tested for COVID-19 beforehand.
- Requiring all participants to wear masks during the interview.
- Maintaining social distancing best practices during the interview.
- Holding the interview outdoors if possible.
- Keeping the number of participants to a minimum.
On another point, certain business leaders may interview a candidate for the top positions from another city, but still require an in-person interview before they make them a formal offer. In such an instance, business leaders may decide to opt for private transportation –– such as driving their own vehicle, or if that’s not possible, renting out a private plane – Yes, companies like Access Jet Group are offering just such services during the pandemic.
As strange as it all seems, life –– and by extension business –– will have to continue over the next few months even if the circumstances are far less than ideal. Resourceful and innovative business owners are sure to find new ways to connect with potential candidates for open positions at their company. Thankfully for all involved, many capable professionals are seeking new opportunities at this moment.