For all social media platforms, battling with the growing number of scammers, hackers and all other kinds of malicious users have become a constant uphill battle. Recently, Facebook, which is the biggest and the most widely used social platform among all, revealed that they banned a whopping 1.7 billion fake accounts in the first quarter of 2020 itself. This shows how, besides the coronavirus, there seems to exist another pandemic which has spread far and wide across all across social media platforms.
Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB), in the report, mentioned that they were able to ban 99.7% of the total of 2.2 billion fake accounts automatically before any user intervention at all in the Q1 of 2020. That being said, it must also be observed how the menace of the creation of fake accounts has increased enormously when compared to that of Q1 2018 wherein Facebook had to ban only 583 million fake accounts in total.
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