Just a few weeks before the launch of iPhone 7, the arch rival of Apple, Samsung released Galaxy Note 7, leaving people wondering about Note 6. For those who are not aware, Samsung has made a jump from Galaxy Note 5 to Galaxy Note 7, completely skipping Galaxy Note 6. It was a well-calculated move by Samsung; the timing and naming convention were clear indications of what Samsung is up to. The Korean smartphone giant was apparently aiming to fuel the competition for Apple. And, that’s when Samsung made few desperate moves, falling prey to disaster.
Samsung Galaxy Note 7: A Desperate Launch
Early this year, few of the top executives at Samsung had learnt about the possible specification of iPhone 7. It took no time for them to understand that iPhone 7 will be missing eye-popping innovations. The device will be an enhanced version of iPhone 6s without any significant structural change. For Samsung, the information was a golden opportunity to wallop Apple.
The top brass at Samsung decided to capitalise on the information and expedite the process to launch the new smartphone before the scheduled date, according to Bloomberg. The company started pushing suppliers to meet tighter deadlines, irrespective of the fact that the device was meant to offer many new features. The original idea was to silence critics of Samsung who has been gunning at Samsung for very long for being a copycat of Apple.
The launch was smooth, and Samsung executives got busy in cherishing Galaxy Note 7 as the world’s best smartphone ever made. And, that’s when disaster stroked!
Just a few days after the launch, the internet was abuzz with the reports of the phone’s battery burn cases. Initially, Samsung didn’t pay much heed to the reports assuming one of its kind incidents, but by the mid of September, it was clear that incidents were in large numbers. The damages were so severe that owners of the device reported the loss of property due to the blast in their Galaxy Note 7. The growing number of cases forced the US government to step in and urge the users not to use Galaxy Note 7 anymore. Coming out of denial phase, Samsung had to go under the damage control immediately and decided to withdraw Samsung Galaxy Note 7 from the market completely. The company also urged the users of Galaxy Note 7 not to turn on their devices and return it immediately.
Meanwhile, Tim Cook launched the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. By now, it was clear that due to the absence of Galaxy Note 7, most of the prospective buyers will turn to iPhone 7, especially after the life threating incidents. The self-goal made by Samsung helped Tim Cook and team to get rid of their worst nightmare – without making any additional effort.
Then, came another twist!
Sales of iPhone 7: Apple Misses the Penalty Stroke
The initial post-launch reaction to iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus did not favour Apple much. Though people were expecting more innovation than enhancement in iPhone 7, industry analysts were confident about the success as Samsung played a vital role in it, to a significant extent. The reports about the complete sold out of iPhone 7 Plus started buzzing the internet, and reviewers and users started rushing to get hold of iPhone 7 Plus, especially the Jet Black variant.
On 16th September, the devices were made available to reviewers, and it was time for Tim Cook to hear the music. The very first feedback of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus was something that no manufacturer would like to have. Both the devices, iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, are reportedly found making some mysterious sound. The teardown and hardware reviewers are claiming that the sound is coming out from the new chip, which is designed to make the devices faster with improved battery life. Blame was on Apple’s new A10 chipset, the core component in iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.
This time, Apple was under fire; Apple has advised users who are reporting the issue in their device to get the device replaced. Interestingly, the devices are already facing demand and supply gap as Apple decided to make less number of device up for sales compared to the last year. This is killing all the excitement of buyers who struggled hard to get hold of the device.
While Apple was trying to cope up with the humiliation, reports are also surfacing that camera of iPhone 7 has failed to outperform iPhone 6s despite all the promises made by Apple.
Prospective Buyers: Left in Lurch
Needless to mention, prospective buyers, including the ones who have ditched the plan of buying Galaxy Note 7 after the burn reports, are now forced to give a second thought on their decision to shell out a sizable amount for iPhone 7.
Samsung has apparently learnt the lesson. It would, however, be interesting to see the severity of damages the company has to face due to selling a bomb in the form of a smartphone.
But, Tim Cook must be equally disappointed as it returned the favour to Samsung in the same style. Like Galaxy Note 7, if Apple has to recall or replace iPhone 7 devices for hardware glitch, no one but the top brass at Samsung would be the happiest people on earth, apparently.