Being a part of head over heel technical world a lot of innovations and new products bombard the market round the year, it is imperative to thank those amazing engineering minds for their creations. Technology and innovation dwells in happy minds. Despite, the dissatisfaction among IT Employees at their workplace is on the rise. IT Employees relatively scores less in all the aspects in comparison to the non-IT counterparts, reveals the latest report titled The State Of Employee Engagement In Tech.
The report, based on the survey conducted by TINYpulse, states that poor coworker relationship is attributed to job dissatisfaction especially; in the IT industry only 47% claims to have a strong bonding with their teammates whereas the non-IT sector the number springs to 56%.
These findings indirectly support the recent accusation made by few employees of world’s largest eStore., apparently, remains to be a tough employer for its employees. New York Times writes that the company is utilizing their White Collar employees to the fullest to accomplish their ever flourishing ambitions. It also speaks about the hostile culture entertained by the internal phone directory that instructs colleagues on sending a secret feedback to other bosses. Surprisingly, one of the sample texts reads “I felt concerned about his inflexibility and openly complaining about minor tasks.”
Employee Engagement and Culture
Employee engagement is the stirred debate of the hour. With the changing trend the employee engagement no more remains to be the topic of HR rather it is been the liability of the management. 87% of the organizations quote Culture and Engagement as one of the top challenges, while 50% of them term the difficulty to be “very important,” as per the Employee Engagement Culture Human Capital Trends 2015 by Dupress. On the other side, meager 19% IT employees responded positively when asked about how happy they were with the jobs once again by the TINYpulse survey while the percentage rise to 22% when it comes to non-IT employees. Clearly, the figure depicts the lower engagement as job satisfaction and happiness at the workplace drive employee engagement. Despite having the writing on the wall, only 40% organizations have an impressive mechanism to rate, drive, improve and enhance employees engagement illustrates the Dupress survey.
“Google” been the Best Employer is a well-known fact. However, the path traversed by the search engine in transforming itself to be a reliable employer focuses on the workplace culture. The strategy followed by the company involves the factors of making employees happy as well as productive. By the means of this research, it has devised a lot of means to depict itself as the “best place to work.”
Alarmingly, very few IT employees are aware of the purpose of the work or the vision and mission of the company. When pronouncing the actual terms, only 28% of the IT employees are aware of the mission, vision and culture statements of their company, the TINYpulse report exposes. The company culture, on the whole, speaks about the process and customer engagement. With most of the employees remain unaware and the majority of them disagree with the values owing to incompatibility with their personal values the whole process appears to be haphazard indeed resulting in chaos.
The TINYPulse report also highlights that 36% of IT employees find themselves to be trapped without any career growth compared to 50% of the non-IT employees who have clear visibility on their career path. This is been one of the prime potential causes of dissatisfaction among IT employees in their workspace. Evidently, the Randstad’s 2015 Employer Branding Survey reveals that 26% of the employees leave the job due to the unclear career path and growth opportunities.
Building Right Culture with Right People
Culture thrives in a healthy competitive environment. It is the onus of the company leaders to motivate the employees in the right direction and integrate them onto the big screen of end results. Gone are the days of employee satisfaction with a lean “Good Job” response email but making them realize the impact of their job on the organization. Developing a culture through time and imbibing into the workforce creates satisfied workforce and indeed optimum production.