The Smartphone revolution has allowed internet usage to grow by leaps and bounds in just a few years. In 2013, there were more mobile devices than humans on the planet. The worldwide distribution of internet varies for different regions all over the world. Increased mobile device penetration in the next few years will ensure that almost every human being has internet access. At present, 25% of the world is on mobile broadband, thanks to emergence and explosive adoption of low-price mobile devices. Smartphones are the new data monsters, consuming 92% of global data, even though they represent only 18% of mobile handsets. This is also leading to an explosion of online content,with the amount being 9 times larger than it was 5 years ago.
The below infographic illustrates the global reach of the internet, where it is currently the fastest, and the behavior of internet users. Here are few key highlights:
- About 40% of the world’s households are online through fixed broadband.The developing world is lagging behind the developed world in terms of internet access. Only 28 people per 100 in the developing world have access to internet.
- South Korea has the world’s fastest internet followed by Japan. The U.S actually lags behind several countries in this category,while Iran and Bhutan have the least internet speeds. The infographic depicts China as having fast internet speeds but our latest report says otherwise.
- The Asia-Pacific region has the world’s largest share of mobile subscriptions. The Americas are second at 22.2%.
- The average phone user checks his phone 23 times a day for messaging and 22 times for voice calls.
- Europe has 10 internet connected devices per household, while America has 5.7 devices. Two-thirds of these devices are Smartphones and tablets.
- In North America, an average visitor spends 107 minutes per day on the internet. Asia-Pacific has the largest number of online gamers at 47.9 million.
- One in four internet users performs banking transactions online.
- Canadians watch more video than any other country, with an average of 303 video views every month.
- Google is the top website in India, U.S and most of Europe. Interestingly, Facebook is more popular in South America and South East Asia.
The number of connected devices will grow to possibly 40 billion by 2020. There will be 10 connected devices for every man, woman and child on the planet. This increase in connections between all objects is called the Internet of Things or IoT. This new wave of device overload will ensure every human being is on the internet by the end of the decade.