The social media titan Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) has a vast reach in the developed state of U.K with over 57% of the total population adopting the site for networking. Of the total population of 63 million odd, more than 36 million have adopted Facebook for networking. A brief demography of Facebook penetration in the U.K based on age, gender and relationship status is summarized below.
About 47% Of Facebook Population Falls In The Age Group (18-34)!
In the U.K, internet penetration is as high as 87% which means about 54 million of the total population are web users. Facebook networking users which account for 66% of the internet population in the U.K are mostly teenagers and adults in the age group – (18-34).
Below 17 years, about 2.8 million internet users are on Facebook, and in the next highest age category of 18-24 nearly 7.8 million are on Facebook. Although, the above mentioned younger generation folks below 24 years form 29% of total U.K Facebook users, few surveys reported that teens in developed states like the U.K are fleeing away due to lack of privacy on the site.
Even adults in the U.K were quite welcoming to trending networking sites like Facebook and were actively engaged in story sharing and keeping in touch with their close peers and friends. In the age group of 35-54, nearly 11.2 million users and about 4.28 million aged above 55 years, have embraced Facebook, both are together accounting for 43% of total users in the state. Although, the user-base is quite solid when compared to the total population of the state, but still, the overall charm or enthusiasm seems depleting amongst users. Facebook has to come up with some mind-boggling initiatives if it has to charm its users in developed states like the U.K.
Gender Based Facebook User Demography Is Marginally In Favor Of Female Users!
If we analyze the graph below which depicts gender wise Facebook user distribution in different age groups, females outplay males in almost every age category, by the slightest of margins. In the age group 25-34 years, about 4.6 million are female users compared to 4.4 million male users. In the next higher group which is 35-44 years, 51% or 3.2 million are female and 49% (3 million) are male. In user demography aged above 45 years, 53% which means about 4.78 million are females and 4.08 million or 47% are males. Amongst teenagers aged below 24 years, female users were 5.28 million compared to 5.26 million male users. Female users in the developed states are more open to networking, sharing and discussions on various social media sites unlike developing countries where networking sites are dominated largely by male users.
Nearly 66% Of Facebook Users Were Open About Their Relationship Status!
If we analyze the graph which pictures the Facebook user demography based on relationship status, results obtained are quite similar to trending behavior amongst other developed states like the U.S. Nearly 66% of folks spoke openly about their relationship status. Close to 20.5% of total users or 7.4 million users claimed their status as single, about 1.52 million folks were engaged. Nearly 8.2 million or 22.7% of folks using Facebook in the U.K were married and 5.6 million updated their status as in a relationship. Nearly 33% of total users avoided mentioning their relationship status under their profile information.
If we analyze the above category in comparison with age groups, hardly 25.3% of teenagers between 18-24 years hesitated to mention their relationship status, whereas more than 74% were open about their relationship status. Nearly 3 million were single, 0.34 million were engaged and 0.48 million claimed an in a relationship status in the age category mentioned above.
If we look at a higher age group, trend was somewhat similar, as more than 70% were open about their relationship status in the age group 25-34 years. In the next higher category of 35-44 years, nearly 68.75% or 4.4 million users had mentioned their relationship status along with other profile details.
The Facebook user-base is currently reported to be depleting as teens in developed states are finding other niche networking sites and apps more attractive. Messenger apps have stolen the thunder from Facebook and other networking sites to a greater extent by amassing over 1.3 billion users. The social media titan needs to come up with some brain storming ideas to attract back the wayward users from the developed states.