The explosive adoption of tablet and Smartphone has accelerated the growth of mobile broadband subscribers across the globe. By the end of 2013, there would be 2.1 billion mobile broadband users, which equals one-third of the total mobile subscribers. According to the latest report by Broadband Commission for Digital Development, global mobile broadband subscribers are growing at a rate of 30%, annually. The trend is expected to continue in the next few years as mobile broadband subscribers are projected to touch 7 billion subscribers by 2018.
The contribution of 4G subscribers to mobile broadband penetration is expected to stay low. By 2017, there would be 864 million mobile subscribers using 4G as the prime internet mobile network.
Mobile broadband penetration has reached an optimum level in many countries. Singapore, Japan, Finland, Republic of Korea and Sweden have more than 100 connections per capita. With 96.2 Australia is close to achieving 100 connections per capita. Local broadband service providers in these countries have played a crucial role in achieving higher penetration. As an example, Jiva offers unlimited broadband plans in Australia and similar arrangements have been done by various network providers in other countries.
“The new analysis in this year’s report shows progress in broadband availability, but we must not lose sight of those who are being left behind,” said ITU Secretary-General Dr Hamadoun I. Touré, who serves as co-Vice Chair of the Commission with UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova.
However, other countries in Asia have presented a disappointing show. Hong Kong and New Zealand though, have achieved 73% and 65% penetration respectively, but countries like China and India lag much behind with 17% and 7% – in spite of being the largest countries by mobile subscribers.
The infrastructure growth in South Korea has been commendable. Between 2004 and 2010, the country laid down 100 Mbps broadband convergence network that helped the country to reach the highest household broadband penetration at over 97%.
By 2015, internet penetration is estimated to reach to 60% worldwide. It’s interesting to learn that now there are 70 countries, where over 50% of the population uses the internet. Interestingly, eight out of top 10 countries using the internet are from Europe.
tomvucic emphasis on technical. You don’t need half a brain to understand why a mobile ISP is investing in 4G.
tomvucic I suggest you read either a physics/telecomms textbook before really commenting on this… Understanding matters. SenatorLudlam
batouchu My knowledge of financial markets and events occurring in mobile & tech sectors! Major US carriers all investing billions in 4G
AshGhebranious well I cant see his logic, Im a swing voter and Im swinging hard away from Abbrortt & his annoying supporters
tomvucic with which technical expertise exactly?
batouchu Arguing a point!
tomvucic HamboCairns denntian edhusicMP SenatorLudlam AlboMP Not sure if trolling or trying to argue a point
tomvucic tnsprofpunter z3n_digital billkinn CliveFPalmer Your link mentions Sth Korea as highest BBand penetration who’re going FTTH!
tomvucic You should really use up to date data. Cisco VNI 2012-2017 revises the forecasts downwards. Only 4.7EB for 2015 #nbn #auspol
HamboCairns denntian edhusicMP SenatorLudlam AlboMP
Explosive growth in mobile traffic data!
#auspol #nbn
HamboCairns denntian edhusicMP SenatorLudlam AlboMP Cisco forecasts are known for their ACCURACY! #nbn #auspol
HamboCairns denntian edhusicMP SenatorLudlam AlboMP #nbn is obsolete! Wireless is the future.
tomvucic brassrazoogroup you still banging on about Turnbull’s #fraudband? #auspol
tomvucic I wouldn’t be surprised. The guy is a clown and a yes man. denntian edhusicMP SenatorLudlam AlboMP #nbn
denntian I think Tom’s purpose is just that. To get in our face and get us angry while the Abbott wankers destroy the NBN . Same as climate
tomvucic MarkCampbellAU Tom I think I will stop tweeting with u, u lost my interest when u start calling ABS facts bullshit #nbn
tomvucic denntian The CEO is not proposing wireless Tom because he’s not a complete moron.
tomvucic denntian Still holding onto the delusion that fibre is obsolete Tom, even when you’ve been shown you’re wrong time and again.
MarkCampbellAU denntian Why would ABS wireless data contradict Telstra 4G & international data? #nbn #auspol edhusicMP SenatorLudlam
MarkCampbellAU denntian Yes I know. ABS data contradicts international data. Who is bullshitting? #nbn #auspol
tomvucic denntian Tom, the ABS say you’re wrong.
Fixed line traffic shits on wireless and wireless decreased
denntian Yes. Look at the latest international data on 4G LTE wireless traffic data. It’s overwhelming! #auspol #nbn
tomvucic I might b wrong on this but I dont think the new #nbn CEO has wireless as replacement for fixed which means he doesnt agree wit u
tomvucic wow I provide some evidence from ABS & all u can do is call bias. Ur bias for wireless is obvious, tweet after tweet #nbn
denntian Don’t be surprised if Ziggy comes out with announcement – fibre is OBSOLETE. #auspol #nbn edhusicMP SenatorLudlam AlboMP
denntian Your bias is probably affecting your ability to think rationally. But don’t worry, new #nbn CEO knows that future is wireless.
MontagueCat tomvucic I found that on ABS website & fixed usage is growing, wireless isn’t it shrunk a little (if I read that right) #nbn
MontagueCat tomvucic data downloaded by fixed broadband accounted for 96% of all internet downloads in the three months ended 30Jun13 #nbn
denntian wireless broadband will become ubiquitous.
tomvucic we have 4 tablets/iPhones in our home, but we run fixed to a wireless router, but still req fixed to run a private wifi setup #nbn
tomvucic both wireless & fibre will get faster & faster but I did read that the spectrum for wireless is far less than fibre optics #nbn
tomvucic both wireless & fibre will get faster & faster but I did read that the spectrum for wireless is far far less than fibre optics
tomvucic I would think the future would look like fibre backbone, 4G everywhere & fibre to schools, hospitals, business & home #nbn
tomvucic I use 3G & fixed alot but for vry diff things, from my exp wit 3G in public places like train stations congestion it dies #nbn
tomvucic Vast majority of it is NOT for wireless basestations. Most new 4G basestations are at existing sites.
brassrazoogroup tomvucic Have you forgotten Tones SLASHED funding to the CSIRO!!
brassrazoogroup All you need to do is google – ‘wireless broadband traffic data 2013’
It’s there for all to see! #nbn #auspol
brassrazoogroup Do some reading on all those technologies. #NBN fibre cables will follow landlines to obsolescence! #auspol
bradhill_ Thanks for telling me something I already know. Telstra 4G such a huge success, laying extra fibre to boost service! #nbn #auspol
tomvucic brassrazoogroup Thousands of kilometers of fibre are being laid in australia each week – even WITHOUT #nbn.
bradhill_ brassrazoogroup That’s why Google etc scrambling for wireless assets! #auspol #nbn and cables are part of the past already!
tomvucic bradhill_
So long
bradhill_ brassrazoogroup Cloud, big data, location, wearable’s, Internet of Things, mobility, wireless – all converging! #nbn is obsolete
tomvucic denntian Exactly what I am saying.Majority of people only uses email and google,and want mobility.
MontagueCat denntian Kevin, have a look at traffic data mobile device, wireless. Why r tablets outselling PC’s? #nbn is obsolete. #auspol
tomvucic brassrazoogroup To make money you idiot…
Core, distribution and edge. All vital parts of the network contributing to providing service delivery. 4G is no panacea. #NBN
tomvucic denntian Amazing that people believe technology stands still.
brassrazoogroup tomvucic Of course. lol. But they’ve got an army of tweeters justifying all their crap and promising more. Shitodear.
denntian tomvucic Nonsense, I use 4g for business as well as HFC.
tomvucic Think I heard Telstra had a big sale in last cuppla daze. Is that right?
brassrazoogroup why would Google & Microsoft buy mobile phone manufacturers? #nbn #auspol
denntian tomvucic What do you think the majority of people use internet for?
Wobbly_one tomvucic
Correction – The coaster was sodden with expensive, taxpayer funded, award winning Australian wine FWIW
Wobbly_one How many customers does Telstra 4G have? Compare that to pathetic #nbn number! #auspol
tomvucic brassrazoogroup I recall that being said way back in the beer coaster planning days. How can they get away with their mayhem?
brassrazoogroup #NBN is a serious waste of money. Nobody will be using cables in 5yrs time. It’s like bringing back landlines! #auspol
brassrazoogroup I am telling you the truth.
If only light would travel faster. C’mon #CSIRO – you guys must be up for a challenge.
brassrazoogroup #nbn is already obsolete. Fibre cable is being dumped because of latency issues. It’s too slow! #auspol
tomvucic denntian
Tom – definitely a place for Fibre – remember #Turnbull promised subsidies against DIY projects.
denntian Christian, wireless will replace everything completely in near future. Many technologies converging with mobility. #nbn obsolete
tomvucic davo6253 OK if you only need a couple of GB per month. My software updates chew nearly that
tomvucic davo6253 At $!00 per GB over cap, it *should* be profitable. And that’s just one reason why 4G won’t take over
tomvucic wireless is great for casual use on the move but u cant rely on it for large important tasks, congestion kills it at anytime #nbn
tomvucic wireless is great for casual use on the move but u cant rely on it for large important tasks, congestion kills it at anytime.
tomvucic I only partially agree, 4G has its place to complement fibre #nbn, not replace, hospitals, schools, & most business are not mobile
tomvucic I only partially agree, 4G has its place to complement fibre, not replace, hospitals, schools, & most bus are not mobile.
davo6253 Fibre cables already being dumped because of latency issues – #nbn is obsolete. #auspol
davo6253 No matter, #nbn will bleed customers to wireless broadband. It will go broke in its current form. Telstra 4G already huge success
tomvucic those quotes are from the article you linked me
davo6253 The poor sod is going to have to re-write NBNmyths a second time now. Everything re-written totally wrong again! #auspol
davo6253 nbnmyths is obsolete just like #nbn. Source article states 4G doesn’t work – but Telstra builds a very profitable 4G network.
tomvucic From your report, it states quite clearly fixed lines are needed and that wireless is limited in bandwidth
davo6253 the link is 3 yrs old. Compare that dated information to this – #nbn #auspol
davo6253 MarkCampbellAU quoting from NBNMyths? Too funny! Do you know that website had to be re-written. Information was dated! #nbn
tomvucic You and Turnbull think the internet is just about youtube and email. You wire the whole house. davo6253 MarkCampbellAU #NBN
tomvucic You cant take a 80cm screen. mobile davo6253 MarkCampbellAU #nbn
tomvucic MarkCampbellAU read this. provide evidence if you believe any statement is false
davo6253 MarkCampbellAU Funny thing is you all pump out the same objections. All have been proven to be wrong. #nbn
tomvucic davo6253 You’ve been spouthing this wireless crap for days, yet you find no friends, because the truth is, wifi is not up to it!
davo6253 So because of contention ratios 4G won’t work in Oz. But it works fine everywhere else. No ‘contention issues’ #nbn #auspol
davo6253 Even with working commercial examples of very fast wireless broadband the #nbn fruit loops trot out contention ratios. #auspol
davo6253 Contention ratios? The same old #nbn BS being repeated. Nobody mentions pico cells!
tomvucic MarkCampbellAU The only BS that is being pumped is your non-sensical wireless mantra. Please go read about CONTENTION RATIOS
vstromoz tomvucic 4CThinking u are a complete ignoramus labelling lefties dole dependant,.LNP will be dead and buried 2016 Abbott in jail
tomvucic 4CThinking Mate the leftie braindead whitlamkid welfare dependent tweeters are unrepresentative of Australia. Viva LNP. #auspol
4CThinking So you don’t care about abcnews bias? Only bias from newscomauHQ upsets you? #auspol
tomvucic I don’t have to explain anything. I’ll leave you to your conspiracy theorists and fantasists in News sheltered workshop #auspol
tomvucic 4CThinking abcnews Did Newscorpse report the court case against TonyAbbottMHR &his slush fund to get rid of one nation #auspol
4CThinking You can’t explain abcnews bias but get worked up by bias in other media? #auspol
tomvucic Tell that to your mates at News. This is just part of News unrelenting targeting of Gillard, but don’t see her there #auspol
4CThinking abcnews Journalists should report facts! Not ignore them! #auspol
4CThinking it’s a police prosecution. There was a fraud & breach of fiduciary duty. Just a few FACTS that abcnews missed. #auspol
tomvucic 4CThinking abcnews It’s a police investigation, let the police do their job, and report it if it become a court case #auspol
tomvucic Don’t know as I don’t work for ABC. Given their barracking, you should take News reporting of matter with grain of salt #auspol
4CThinking It’s a simple question.
4CThinking It’s a court case! ROFL Why isn’t abcnews reporting the event? ROFL #auspol
tomvucic Haven’t noticed any selective reporting by NEWS then? LOL abcnews #auspol
tomvucic Plenty of ppl have been trying to make that one fly for years. As with all court cases, let justice take its course #auspol
4CThinking NEWS is reporting of a particular court case taking place in Melbourne. According to abcnews, nothing happening. #auspol
MarkCampbellAU News Corp trash is like a turd in a salad – best pushed to the side, and definitely not to be consumed tomvucic #auspol
4CThinking abcnews Is there are court case underway in Melbourne? #auspol
4CThinking tomvucic crashes my browser and takes forever to load all their advertisements
tomvucic No, you sound much more like a News Corp, Current Affair and Radio Moron sort of guy MarkCampbellAU abcnews #auspol
MarkCampbellAU Have abcnews reported on it? Court case is presently underway. I don’t waste my time with ABC news. #auspol
tomvucic The union rort one? That’s the only one I know abut
MarkCampbellAU Have u heard anything about Gillard being involved in a major court case? abcnews have been ignoring developments #auspol
MarkCampbellAU Maybe that’s ur problem. They pump so much BS about #NBN and completely ignore what’s really happening -> wireless! #auspol
AshGhebranious tomvucic davo6253 I listen to the ABC on my wireless
tomvucic hahahaha how small is the mircowave spectrum? You cant make physics obsolete. Just the phones themselves #NBN davo6253
tomvucic davo6253 CliveFPalmer and what it dies the backbone of these wireless networks run on. I’ll give you one guess! #nbn
tomvucic davo6253 show me gigabit wireless that will run at gigabit speeds under load, and i might consider your argument plausable
davo6253 CliveFPalmer Other examples – SoftBank takeover of Sprint, Sprint takeover of Clearwire, AT&T attempt at T Mobile. #nbn obsolete
davo6253 CliveFPalmer Level of money being invested in wireless dwarfs fibre. One example is Verizon’s $130b deal with Vodafone
davo6253 Because of consumer demand for mobile devices, investment is pouring into wireless. This in turn drives innovation. #nbn obsolete
tomvucic Countries are moving to fibre landline connections for speed, reliability and data traffic load #NBN davo6253 CliveFPalmer
tomvucic Oh Please. Mobility can not handle the data load and would be vastly expensive per gigabyte moved davo6253 CliveFPalmer #auspol
davo6253 CliveFPalmer Trend only became obvious in 2013. Mobility, wireless tech is the future. #nbn is a huge mistake! #auspol
davo6253 the entire world is making a rapid shift to mobile technology. #nbn is already obsolete.
tomvucic tnsprofpunter z3n_digital billkinn CliveFPalmer alot of countries building FTTH… they all wrong too?
tomvucic tnsprofpunter z3n_digital billkinn CliveFPalmer facts are that 4G is not up to being the solution, END OF STORY #NBN #auspol
tnsprofpunter z3n_digital billkinn CliveFPalmer Stop sprout #nbn propaganda about mobile towers needed & stick with facts! #auspol
tomvucic z3n_digital billkinn CliveFPalmer how many mobile towers do you want to build? It’s only part of the solution