The explosive growth in the global Smartphone industry has caused brand advertisers to start channelising their marketing efforts towards mobile users. In Q3 2013, Smartphone sales surpassed feature phones and mobile advertisement has started getting highest ever traction from the market. According to the latest report from Millennial Media on mobile advertisement trends Q3 2013, marketers from entertainment, consumer goods and retail industry are bullish on mobile advertisement and are trying to acquire Smartphone users by app downloads as a post-campaign-click action.
However, advertisers from the technology industry, apparently, have adapted to modern marketing tactics keeping tech savvy Smartphone users in mind. Unlike other industry advertisers, Search and Video remained the top goals for tech industry advertisers.
Global Advertising Trends
The report features advertising trends from different vertical and an analysis regarding which vertical is making merry in terms of monetary gains and spotlight from advertisers.
- Entertainment was the largest vertical in Q3, 2013. It has been growing strong this year and has been among the top 5 verticals for this whole year. It grew by 264 % Y-O-Y as compared to Q3, 2012. Entertainment was ranked 8 in Q3, 2012.
- Retail and Restaurant sectors which were combined as one vertical for the Q3, 2012 study have been broken up into vertical’s Retail and Restaurant for this year’s study. This was changed because of the evolving mobile advertising landscape. When compared separately Restaurants grew by 234% Y-O-Y in Q3 2012.
- Retail and Restaurant stood at 2nd and 9th ranks respectively, among the top 10 verticals for mobile advertisers. Their growth has been pretty impressive since they were not in the top 10 during the October, 2013 report and as combined verticals, they were at number two.
- Pharmaceuticals were the fastest growing verticals, topping a growth rate of 744 % Y-O-Y for Q3, 2012 to move into the top 10 verticals for mobile advertising.
- Telecommunications maintained its position in the top 10 verticals as per mobile advertising.
- Technology stood at number 7 among the top 10 mobile advertising verticals. It showed a rise of 132 % Y-O-Y in Q2, 2012.
Other major verticals which showed an impressive growth in the advertising spend were News, Sports, Consumer Goods and Health. All these sectors showed impressive growths of over 100 % Y-O-Y in Q3, 2012.
Post Click Action Trends
Another important aspect of advertising across the mobile platform is the post-click action mix. In simple terms, it is the action marketing campaign which wants its viewers to take action after seeing the advertisement. The report presents an analysis of different post-click campaign initiated by different advertiser over their platform.
- Application download represented around 34% of the post-click campaign action mix. Application download showed an increase of 2 % from 32 % Y-O-Y in Q3, 2013.
- Site search stood on the second position with 25% of the post-click campaign but it showed 16% drop as compared to Q3, 2013. Site search is still a favorite option among advertiser. Site search is generally used by verticals to lead mobile users to their mobile-optimized sites in order to trigger a variety of follow-up actions.
- Watching videos has started becoming a favorite option among advertisers in many verticals. It showed an increase by 7% from 14% in Q3, 2012 to 22% in Q3, 2013. With the integration of all types of videos becoming possible, this would soon become the favorite post-click campaign by all the verticals.
- Driving traffic to their site was the goal in over a third of the advertising campaigns.
- Site search actions like learn more or visit our website were used by around 25% of campaigns.
- For around 22% of advertiser Brand Awareness was among the most important motives of their campaigns.
Vertical Insight:Technology
Technology has always been an important and interesting vertical for mobile advertising. One of the important reasons for this, as highlighted by the report, is that it is more B2B (business to business) centric. The reason, as highlighted by reported, is that advertising in this particular vertical influences many business decision makers and influencers.
This quarter’s report from Millennial Media analyses and provides an insight into mobile advertising for this particular vertical.
IT Decision Makers were the most frequently targeted audiences in the technology segment, followed by Gadget Geeks, Mobile Switchers, and Business Travelers.
- As per the report, Networks & Systems brands were the leading advertisers for this particular segment with 40% market share. They were followed by Hardware, Software and Engineering services respectively.
- Site Search was the used by technology advertisers 2x times when compared to other advertisers.This action was also most frequently used to achieve a site/mobile traffic goal.
- Social media was used by 9% of the advertisers. It was mainly used by B2B advertisers.
Source: MillennialMedia