People love reading News prevailing around them along with a sip of coffee early morning or during their leisure hours. Landscape of news consumption by information seekers is continuously evolving from print media to television and now to the Internet on Smartphones and tablets. Recently, the mode of news consumption has taken a dramatic turn and shifted to social media sites as a majority of time spent by web users across the globe is on social media. The news channels have covered up (showcasing their presence) every single social networking platform available to provide the latest news to its viewers.
Reddit Is Leading With 62% Of Its Users Consuming News On Site, Followed By Twitter(52%) And Facebook(47%)!
According to a survey by Pew Research Center conducted between August 21 and September 2, 2013, among a nationally representative sample of 5,173 odd respondents (adults who are 18 years of age or older), Reddit emerged as the leading site with 62% of its website users consuming news on the site. Closely followed by Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR) with 52% and Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) with 47% and Google Plus with 30%.
Reddit is the leading site preferred by users world-wide for news consumption, it’s success can be attributed to the algorithm upon which the whole system is built. News information all over the globe is continuously compiled and the Reddit users can voice their opinions through the Upvote system, and news with the highest votes is filtered out and given a higher preference. Hence the most relevant or important news which most of the users read can be viewed right at the top.
Twitter is undoubtedly the leading site when it comes to prevalence of news due its wild-fire nature with features like the retweet. Most of the world leaders, politicians and news channels use the platform for breaking news or the latest updates or their views and opinions pertaining to interesting areas to their followers. The increasing usage of mobile devices has promoted Twitter to the top due its uniqueness in adjusting well on the mobile platform which has encouraged more than 70% of its users to adopt mobile Twitter. Facebook is next in line after Twitter with 47% of its users consuming news form the site. Although, the major focus of Facebook users is networking with friends and close peers, the platform has evolved well for other activities like brand engagement, business related discussions, customer acquisition and news consumption. Technology powering Facebook mobile has revolutionized the experience of viewing Facebook updates on mobile screens, hence people love browsing the site for news consumption and other purposes at places of their comfort on Smartphones and tablets.
Facebook Is The Largest Social Media Network With 30% Of The U.S Adults Consuming News On The Site, Followed By YouTube – 10% & Twitter – 8%.
If we analyse news consumption by U.S adults, Facebook outplays the rest of social media by a large margin. More than 64% of the U.S adults use Facebook, as mentioned earlier 47% of Facebook users consume news, hence effectively 30.8% of the U.S adults consume news on Facebook. Next in line was the undisputed king of video content – YouTube, which is used by 51% of U.S. adults, and as only a fifth (20% – mentioned earlier) of its users get news there, that amounts to 10% of the U.S adult population consuming news on YouTube site. Micro-blogging site Twitter reaches just 16% of U.S. adults, but half (8% of U.S. adults) use it for news. Reddit is a news destination for nearly 62% of its users. But since just 3% of the U.S. population uses reddit, that translates to 2% of the population that gets news there.
Facebook is emerging as the complete package – providing its users with all possible features to suffice their daily needs. Right from networking with friends, chatting, promoting businesses, networking with employers, job acquisition, news consumption, acquiring customers for your firms, searching for top rated sight-seeing destinations, brand engagement, creating mass movements, social awareness pertaining to sensitive issues and a whole lot more. If Facebook developers are able to evolve the UI (or technology powering Facebook)  in such a way that users are able to prioritize their news feed with content of their choice depending on their purpose of visiting the site – it will help them in promoting it as a daily-go-to website for users. Almost all the users are likely to have their browser home page as Facebook – if all their needs are available on a single website.
Main Source : Pew Research