The influence and interference of social media is people’s life has been increasing for years now. And, a latest study over Social Media Contribution In Online Purchases states that the share is bigger than expected; globally 3 out of every 10 online consumers have purchased a product after an ad or post they saw on social media networks.
The list is topped by Brazil where 69% online consumer claimed they bought a product after seeing the ad on social media against 66% who bought a product after seeing post on social media. The poll was conducted in 27 countries and Indonesia, Mexico, India, Turkey and China followed Brazil with the highest penetration of social media influence in purchase decisions.
The above group of countries is followed by South Africa, Russia Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Spain, Poland, Italy and Hungary with average proportion of people indicating they have bought products after they saw their ads or posts on social media.
With the lowest percentage of purchasers, influenced by social media ads or post, countries as Sweden, Japan, United Stats, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Canada and Great Britain stand at the lowest positions of the tally. Interestingly, this group holds the maximum number of developed countries with sizable penetration of Internet and ecommerce. In spite of the fact, influence of social media over people’s purchase decision is the lowest compare to earlier two groups.
The poll also captured age group, education level and income of 18,150 respondents and the demographics states that purchase decisions of young people, aged below 35 years, are more influenced with ads (40%) and posts (36%) on social media networks. People with higher education are leaned towards social media as 39% of these purchase products after seeing ads compare to 35% by posts on social media. Women seem more influenced with social media ads and posts compare to mean as 36% and 32% of Women purchase products after seeing ads and posts on social media respectively.
Source: ipsos