Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) has been one of such companies that always look to ‘leverage upon’ rather than getting ‘satisfied’ with the present outcome. This attitude is making the company to reach new heights.
The news feed in Facebook which appears on the home screen of every profile is nothing but the status of the friends, their activities, updates and other related things of the subscribed pages. Everyone Facebook user has got a huge list of liked pages and friends which implies that everyone would be getting much recent (and relevant to interest) news about himself throughout the day. However, the hoard of uninterruptedly flowing information and updates create a chaos and user ends up missing many of crucial updates and information from his network.
But, that’s not the absolute frustration; there are instances when a person misses an important message/update – crucial for him – because he/she happened to be visiting the page at a wrong time. This though looks like a small issue that people could lived with but on a large-scale it has a huge impact on users’ experience.
Every active brand, these days, is concerned towards its social media presence and marketing. To boost their marketing efforts and results such brands always want each of it fans to get tuned to their daily posts, offers etc. But, what if the viewership is constantly declining for a brand page in spite of all its efforts and marketing tactics ? Brand try to overcome this challenge by updating their page number of times at peak hours to business. However, other brands too adopt the same tactic that results in filling fans News/Feed section with all promotions and marketing contents. Offcourse, none of users appreciate such act and would end up by clicking on “Unlike” button.
Revamped News/Feed: An Effective Tool
Facebook has come with ‘revamped’ News Feed algorithm that counters and tackles the situation thus respecting the users and account publishers’ desire to have more fans. This also creates a balance between brands’ ‘aggressive’ marketing strategy and fans’ admirable experience. The inclusion of these two changes will engage the fans in a lot better way and help them to use the News/Feed section more effectively:
- Story Bumping: Stories you haven’t seen yet, because these were positioned at “below the fold” on News Feed section, are eligible to be bumped up further in News Feed the next time you check Facebook.
- Last Actor: Facebook will take into account the last 50 engagements of a fan, giving more weight to people and pages the user has recently interacted with.
Undoubtedly, these options improve the overall experience of a user and make News/Feed section more relevant.
What is Story bumping?
When the admin of a brand page posts a message on the page he/she expects a huge response believing the update is quite crucial and useful for fans. Unfortunately, there are many fans who happened to be logged out and miss that update at that very moment. However, due to this new process in place, those fans would see the missed updates right at the News/feed section at their next login session. This will give the users a chance to view the missing updates and would also increase the number of views.
Trial Check:
It has been tried out on 7,000 daily users that resulted in 5% increase in stories seen by friends, 8 % increase in stories seen from pages and an overall 57-70% increase in overall stories read.
What is Last Actor?
This new feature takes in account of the last 50 interactions of each fan and creates a ranking history based upon his regular activities that include commenting, sharing photo, Liking other status and type of status updates. Inline with users’ ranking history, stories and updates will be bumped at the top of their news feed section. This will create a sense of engagement with a particular co-user or page to have a greater weight in the bumping of the news feed.
Trial Check:
This hasn’t been as impactful as the story bumping tough, the aim of trying and capturing the present state of mind has been satisfied. However, the real effect of this feature could only be measured once Facebook will start rolling out it to users in scores.