Telecommunication and Entertainment Leads In Global Mobile Advertisement Spending Q1 2013 [REPORT]

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Global Mobile Advertisement Industry is witnessing a significant shift since last few quarters. While many verticals remained the most favorites for mobile advertisers in terms of overall size, there are also few that registered highest growth. According to latest report from MillennialMedia – an independent mobile advertising and data platform – Telecommunications industry players are apparently betting big time over mobile advertisement campaigns as the industry registered whopping 102% growth in mobile campaign spend in Q1 2013 compare to same duration a year ago. Mobile carriers and mobile makers mainly drove the astounding growth in the vertical in the form of video contents promoting new device launches. Quite recently we highlighted how Digital Video Ads are wining over traditional TV ads in engagement and awareness.

However, Telecommunications is the vertical registered highest growth in Q1 2013 in global mobile advertisement space; Many emerging verticals like Sports, NPO and Energy & Power remained the top growing verticals in terms of mobile advertising campaign spend with 600%, 264% and 261% growth respectively. In mobile advertising spends, marketers from US and UK have shown the immense confidence, spending average $49 per mobile phone in each country, which is nearly 70% higher than the third highest spender Japan.

Mobile Advertisement: Action And Goal

Global Mobile Advertising - Post click Action

The report also highlights how exactly mobile marketers are actually designing their mobile advertisement campaigns. While 45% campaigns were resulted into App Download (after the click), Site Search emerged as the second most targeted action with 24% campaigns. Surprisingly, Social Media and actual M-Commerce failed to convince campaign designers as only 15% and 12% campaigns respectively were resulted into said actions.

However, majority of mobile ad campaigns were designed to generate more traffic to site and to capture users’ information. The report claimed 18% mobile advertisement campaigns were designed to make users land on the site while 16% of mobile campaigns were landing to Registration page. However, the latter one is the best mobile advertisement goal, feels many experts; Once you capture the personal information of a user, the same could be used to promote multiple campaigns without any additional acquisition cost of personal data.

Global Mobile Advertisement Campaigns- GoalsSmartphones And Android Led the Campaigns

In Q1 2013, Smartphones emerged as the biggest source of ad consumption beating other mobile devices. 70% impressions of total global mobile advertisement campaigns were recorded on Smartphone, compare to 25% non-Phone connected devices like Tablets, Gaming Devices, MP3 players etc missing traditional calling feature of phone. On the other side, Android powered devices enjoyed 52% of total mobile advertisement impressions, beating its arch rival iOS that managed to record 39% impressions.


Apple: True Leader In Mobile Advertisement

Despite of Android dominance in mobile advertisement impressions, Apple Inc (AAPL) emerged as the top manufacturer of devices recorded maximum number of ad impressions. In Tablet segment, Apple iPad beaten Samsung galaxy Tab and Amazon Kindle while as a sole manufacturer of devices, Apple enjoyed 36.87% of mobile advertisement impressions, followed by Samsung 26.9%, Blackberry 6.47%, HTC 4.82% and LG 4.52%


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