Social Media is massively growing in its user base and it has transformed into the most cardinal component for marketing. Companies are leveraging themselves on Social Networking sites and making the best out of it by adopting new methods to achieve brand awareness and increase in their sales. 91% of B2B marketers leverage on Social Networking sites for content marketing. Surprisingly, 98% of Australian B2B marketers are using content marketing, versus 89% of their B2C marketers. Overall, 90% of marketing companies use social media for marketing communication while 87% of B2B marketers build brand awareness through social media. Brand Marketing on Social Media is ameliorating actively as 52% of marketers have found customers via Facebook, 36% via Twitter and 43% via LinkedIn this shows how important is social media for B2C marketing.
Social Media Marketing tools:
Facebook leads in marketing as 67% of B2C and 29% of B2B use Facebook for marketing and blogging is also an important medium for marketing. Content plays very crucial part in marketing as users rely on valuable content in their emails or on brand’s Facebook page. LinkedIn is the winner standing strong with Facebook having tied up with 29% B2B marketers.
B2B Content Marketing Usage:
Social Media again takes the crown away when it comes to B2B Content marketing usage as 87% of content is distributed on Social media followed by 83% content on Website articles. Blogging and Enewsletters are also unique and effective methods of content marketing.
Benefits Of Using Social Media Marketing:
Small Business marketer’s worldwide benefit immensely by using Social media as their business earns 89% exposure, 75% increased traffic on their website and many other benefits leading to 43% improved sales.
Social Media Marketing Contrasting Year 2011 and 2012:
Social media marketing done on social media by B2B marketers has grown since year 2011 mainly on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.
Social Media marketing is making a great difference for both small and big businesses as it leads to active engagement between users and two-way engagement between company and customer which in turn increases the sales and take marketing to the next level.
You have the red and blue mixed up in the social media section.