We are part of a generation who are blessed with mind boggling technologies; our predecessors never had any options to choose from, however on the contrary we are spoiled with number of privileges to choose from. It’s a known fact that today without Internet and gadgets our life seems to be very incomplete. Mobiles (Smartphones and Tablets) are certainly the most celebrated ones and have cut into notebook sales but they have not succeeded in replacing the full range of PC’s from laptops to desktops.
The Apportionment of Web Time
The rise of mobile in recent years has been well documented; the days of having to sit in front of the computer to get on to internet are most certainly gone for many. Slates such as Apple’s iPad, Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 2, Google Nexus have seized PC buyer’s diligence and dollars. According to the U.S. research firm eMarketer, 43.5% of U.S. internet users accessed the internet via a mobile phone each week by the end of January 2013. In the first quarter 2013 Experian marketing services discovered that U.S mobile Internet users spent a towering percentage of their mobile web time using email at 23%, against 5% on desktop. Social networking stood in the second place gathering 15% while travel occupied 9% compared with desktop at 1% .On the Desktop internet there was a surge in social networking activities which alone accounted to 27% of time spent online.
Advertising over mobile devices is overtaking the success of using desktop computers for marketing. Smartphones and Tablets are invading the market, they are clearly the platform for most digital services whether at home or on the go consumers use their mobiles to browse and research for products as it is quicker. In the U.S. 67% of mobile internet users who were surveyed by “Decision fuel” and “On Device Research” in November 2012 said that they mostly or only used mobile instead of desktops to go online.PC vendors have seen their shipments drop as Tablet sales have steadily increased, It’s the post PC era the time has come for vendors across the globe to accept that PC sales are flat and are unlikely to grow again in the future unless there is a radical change in the features of a PC or else it will no longer be a primary device. According to another study; nearly 150 million tablets are to be shipped globally in this year. Tablets are slowly but surely replacing larger PC models. But still the logic might not hold up for everyone let us not forget that there are people who still prefer to work with an actual keypad than a virtual one.