Now-a-days, mobile devices have become one of the integrated parts of global media consumption. The prevalence of smart devices (smartphones and tablets) has opened an opportunity for marketers to connect advertising to the physical world. Mobile search has continuously been increasing over past few years; the search spend on mobile device grew up 250% Y/Y in Q2 2012. At present, consumers prefer to search for things often a multiple times in a day on their mobile devices, and this is the main reason why mobile marketing today has become one of the important stuffs.
At the beginning of the last year, a global data firm “Cisco” reportedly stated that mobile data traffic increased 2.3 times in 2011, compared to the previous year. More importantly, the mobile data traffic in 2010 was 8 times that the traffic in 2000. However, the firm also explained that number of mobile handsets would surpass the world’s population by the end of the last year. Besides, 25% of the world’s population would have two or more mobile handsets in 2016.
According to a latest report from Inmobi, mobile devices currently rule over global media consumption. The devices account for 1.8 hours of the total 7 hours of overall media consumption. Now, mobile handsets have outpaced TV (1.5 hrs) and PCs (1.6 hrs) in terms of time spend on media consumption. Globally, consumers are more likely to do multitasks, and also willing to access multimedia contents. The reports reveals that people in the emerging markets like India and China prefer to spend more time on their mobile devices for media consumption.
Now, a significant number of users across the world surf the web ‘only via mobile’ devices. In some markets such as Kenya, Nigeria, the U.S., South Africa and India where people go online ‘mostly via mobile phones’. On the other side, majority of people in the some markets like China and New Zealand where users ‘evenly split between mobile phones and laptop/desktop’ for internet accessing.
It has been also noticed that mobile phones have become the most preferred second screen while watching TV. Inmobi depicts that 62% of people worldwide use their mobile phones as second screen. Here, we have used the term ‘second screen’ for the use device while watching TV. In South Africa, almost three-fourth (73%) of people use their mobile handsets while watching TV, followed by New Zealand, France, Germany, the U.K. and U.S. with 70%, 69%, 69%, 68% and 67% respectively.
It’s really interesting to know how mobile users access internet on their handsets. Majority of users (85%) use to surf web on their mobile device while waiting for someone, followed by while lying in bed, watching TV and commuting with 82%, 62% and 62% respectively. Furthermore, a considerable number of users (43%) use to access internet on their mobile phones while shopping.
Apparently, mobile app trend is mounting up due to increasing demand of on-the-go internet accessing. At present, number of online retailers and marketers are offering native apps for consumers. But it’s noteworthy to see whether mobile users are willing to access these apps or not. It’s pretty much clear from the Inmobi’s latest report that people across the world actively use just 6.5 apps in a month period. In France, mobile users use to access highest 8.4 apps actively in a month, followed by Australia and Japan, where people actively use 7.4 and 7.3 apps in a month respectively.