Smartphone Apps’ market is growing by leaps and bounds due to massive adoption of devices across the globe. Between 2008 and 2017, nearly 350 billion mobile apps downloads are projected and both, Google Play and Apple App Store, are going to play significant role in such enormous growth. In the year 2012, nearly 45.6 Billion Apps were projected to download which includes Smartphone and Tablet.
According to the latest report from ABIResearch, the Smartphone App downloads would reach to 56 Billion in 2013, outpacing the overall mobile app growth projection. Google Android would be the biggest gainer by commanding 58% of market share against Apple iOS (iPhone) that would settle down with 33% share.
Interestingly, the other emergent mobile OS will have negligible market share despite of all their aggressive marketing efforts. Microsoft Windows Phone OS will conclude the year 2013 by contributing little lesser than 4% while BlackBerry will trail it with 3% app downloads market in 2013.
Google Android is clearly wining over Apple iOS (iPhone) in Smartphone segment with almost 75% more Smartphone app downloads projected figure. Besides, in 2011, 68.40% of Smartphone shipments were controlled by Android only. In spite of that, more than 50% developers prefer to work on iOS platform against 37.3% on Google Android; Thanks to more than double the revenue developers can generate from Apple App Store than Google Play as iOS users are more leaned towards paid apps than Android.
The scenario in Tablet App downloads is complete upside down. The study claims nearly 14 Billion mobile apps for Tablet would be downloaded in 2013. In the segment, iPad will continue to dominate  by controlling 75% of app downloads while Google Android will have to settle down with just 17% app downloads share. However, Android market share of App downloads on Tablets doesn’t include Amazon Kindle Fire share; Downloads to Amazon Kindle will warrant a market share of 4%. Interestingly, despite of aggressive marketing campaigns of Microsoft Surface Windows share in Tablet app download will stay close to 2% only.
The Tablet market is still a real challenge for Google to crack. Though, Apple is losing its control over the iPad dominated market as iPad market share dropped to 43.60% in Q4 2012, compare to 51.70% same time a year back, still its beats all its competitors with significant margin. On the other hand Android is showing promising growth as it doubled its market share to 15.10% in Q4 2012 from 7.30% during the same time in 2011.
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