Smartphone Market Share Trend In 2012: Android Accounted For 37% Smartphone Web Traffic, And 94% Of Samsung’s Device Sales

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Last year, sales of smartphones reached to all time highest. At present, Android is accounting for 42% of all consumer computing devices. During the entire last year, number of changes were seen in smartphone segment; even software giant Microsoft also jumped into hardware manufacturing. Indeed, it’s quite interesting to know the smartphone market share trend in 2012. By the end of last year, Android accounted for 37% of entire smartphone web traffic, followed by iOS and Series 40. It’s important to know the smartphone web traffic because it shows actual use of internet on smartphones.

smartphone web traffic

More importantly, Android was unilaterally dominating across top smartphones markets including the U.S., U.K., China, Japan and South Korea. Interestingly, in Japan, 90% of smartphones sold in 2012 were Android, while in China, the OS accounted for 67% of smartphone market share in terms of shipments.

smartphone market trend in 2012

Smartphone market share showed off almost 40% Y/Y growth in Q4 2012. Meanwhile, Android recorded a whopping 88% Y/Y growth, far ahead of Apple’s iOS growth. In Q4 2012, 208 million million smartphones were sold across the world, out of these, 144.7 million devices were powered by Android, followed by 43.5 million iOS devices. However, during the same period (from Q4 2011 to Q4 2012), iOS also demonstrated about 23% Y/Y growth. On the other side, the market share of the rest of mobile OS (together) dropped from 25% in Q4 2011 to 10% in Q4 2012.

Among smartphone vendors, Samsung topped the market with 228 million units shipment in 2012, followed by Apple shipped 145 million units. Last year, Samsung made smartphones with number of mobile OSes along with Android, but interestingly, 94% of Samsung’s smartphones were running on Android OS.

smartphone market trend in 2012

Undoubtedly, Android is now the king in worldwide smartphone market. The OS alone accounted for 65% of smartphone market share worldwide in terms of sales at the end of the last year, dwarfed Apple’s iOS’ 20% market share.


Last year, Android prevailed everywhere, despite Microsoft also succeeded to grow the market share of its Windows Phone across the world. Thanks to Nokia Lumia models, which boosted the mobile OS market share. The main eye-catching thing for this year is that the sales of Windows Phone and BlackBerry smartphones.

Source: Pingdom


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