We have already discussed why Apple App store is better than Google Play store in terms of security. At present, Apple App Store is committed to provide high-quality apps to users and protect them from the hostile apps. At present, the app store is enjoying more than 1 million approved apps. However, the actual number of apps is less than the approved number, as a significant number of developers have already removed their apps from Apple App store.
Furthermore, registration to Apple App Store is little-bit cumbersome compare to Google Play Store. Before submitting the apps to Apple App Store, developers have to go with number of procedures. It has been noticed that, the number of their apps get rejected by the app store is due to some sort of faults. Here, we are going to discuss some important measures that developers need to be followed before submitting apps to Apple App Store.
Are You Submitting Beta Version of Apps?
Google follows a standard algorithm for Beta launch services, which is considered as unfinished or yet to be prepared for the launch. For developers, it’s quite easy to submit Beta version of their apps to Google Play Store. On the other side, Apple is quite strict with these apps. This is reason why most of the apps are labeled as ‘Beta’, ‘preview’ or ‘version 0.9’ are rejected by the company’s app Store.
Developers Need to Take Care About Load Time of Apps:
Every mobile OS has its optimal start-up time for apps; for the iOS, the startup time limit for apps is 15 seconds. By default, if any app takes more time (greater than limited startup time), the OS kills that app. However, developers generally test the apps on their local server or slower network connections. But it has been noticed that when they submit their apps to Apple App Store (while environment changes), the apps upload during the review process slows down, and finally, these apps are being killed by the apps store. It’s been advised to the developers that they shouldn’t rely only on iOS stimulator alone. They should keep testing on some other real hardware and few older versions of the iOS devices as well. Ensure whether or not it’s working properly. They should always keep one thing in mind that apps’ load time is the first step to impress users.
Don’t Use Improper Icons and Buttons:
It’s also true that many of apps are being rejected due to improper UI issues. Before submitting the apps, developers need to ensure whether or not the built-in Apple icon and buttons are uniform; the icons and buttons should appear and function properly. In addition, developers also need to familiarize themselves with Apple App Store ‘human interface guidelines’.
Don’t Misuse The Apple’s Trademark And Logos:
It’s advised to developers that they shouldn’t use trademark materials such as Apple icons or logos anywhere in their apps or as product images. There’re numbers of apps get denied everyday for having Apple’s trademark in their apps’ keyword.
Some Additional Measures:
It’s mandated by Apple to sell all digital contents through its built in iTunes based in-app purchasing mechanism, which provides one-time purchase as well as digital subscriptions. Apparently, some apps are rejected for violating the Apple’s in-app mechanism. Besides, developers shouldn’t mention other supported platforms, and they also shouldn’t use improper storage and file systems.