Advertisements are run on almost all form of media. there are many ways to run ads–social media, television and the internet. They also show up in movie intervals as well. Despite of ads showing up everywhere, does everybody believe in advertisements? This is the infographic which highlights on few data like, what type of ads increase product purchases and what are consumers looking for in a ad.
According to a study by market researchers Lab42, among 500 participants surveyed, only 3% believed that the information given by advertisements was “very accurate,” while 57% believed that the ads were “somewhat exaggerated.”
This infographic shows consumers perception about ads, half of the people seem to be less than impressed by ads. Out of those surveyed, 87% thought that cleaning ads were photoshopped, while 96% thought that weight-loss ads were photoshopped.
Interestingly, 73% of respondents polled that funny ads are most memorable, and more likely to buy the product. and, 31% of them purchase a product due to brand advertizing also, sponsored posts on social media platform encouraged 3% of them to try a brand. Surprisingly, 59% of men wants an ad to “relate to me” while, 77% of men believe that beauty ads are “more accurate”. Furthermore, respondents expect brands to advertise in such a way that it makes to react (such as, share it, laugh and talk about it) and its said to be one of the top reasons why they try a new product.
Check out the infographic below for insights on ad perception, brand perception, and if brand advertisements really work.