Did you ever imagine what would be the level of performance if Danny Carey would have had 4 arms Or if Angus Young had 74 fingers in his hand ? After seeing this great Technology innovation, I virtually reached in an era of Hollywood movie “Transformer”. However it would be all fun for music rather than distraction with this true metal band.
This is the world’s one and only well organized heavy metal ‘Robotic’ band that could perform as good as humans do – or probably better due to the nature of uncontrolled elasticity feature.
Named as “Compressorhead”, the band is formed with the help of robots who have got all capabilities to play and complement each other during any live event or at the time of composition. A ‘German’ band is a superb piece of example of supreme enhancement and advancement of Technology.
One could only imagine besides ultimate tools and mechanical controlling, the amount of codes and programming has been done to get these robots up and performing. Definitely, it’s a commendable job done by mixing the various forms of engineering, manufacturing and technology.
The robotic group have already got few multiple compositions in its kitty and sometimes perform in-front of crowd outs-side of their ‘birth-place’ too. Most of the compositions and performance is being broadcast via YouTube channel. In no time the channel has gained enormous popularity and ‘fan followers’ online and offline. With more than millions of YouTube views (and still counting) “Compressorhead” has got all reasons to stand along with PSY’s massive record breaking “Gangnam Style” YouTube video.
However, such innovations and initiation has already started pinching us with a question – Is Technology advancement and accelerated growth is making us to head towards ‘man machines’ where most of the things would largely be dominated, controlled and operated via robots ? A feed for our brain for long time probably but for them you have discovered this awesome piece of information. Here is the latest video from “Compressorhead” without any further ado.