Creating a good content is a matter of good brain and time but if your brain and time is going in vain, then this Infographic could help you crack the code of the best days and time to select to post your content on Facebook. This can captivate the consumers to give you most Likes and comments. A recent Infographic from LinchpinSEO shows the best days to post your content on Facebook and also it has organized the information by industry type. The study has analyzed the user engagement of world’s top brands from more than 1,800 Facebook pages.
As this is a targeted medium, so many brands use Facebook to convey their messages, also 80% of users like to connect to brands on this platform. Many brands do not realize that what works for one industry may not work for another. Best ways to maximize the reach of your social media posts is to understand the best times of day to share content along with the days. Surprisingly, this time differs from site to site – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest.
Advertising and Consulting gain 69% more interactions on weekends while clothing and Fashion industry’s posts gain more as the week starts up to progress and reaches the max out on Thursdays. Interestingly, customer packaging goods industries should avoid Thursdays to post as the interaction rate dips to 9% compare to other days.
Seems like people spend their Sundays to feed their brain with some finances as Finance related posts gains 29% more interaction rates on this day. So don’t gauge it wrong if the banks are closed on Sunday, it’s pretty much happening online. The day is good even for Travel and Leisure industries as it is the best day they get to interact with their users.
Mondays are best for Retailers and Tuesdays are worst for Beauty and Health industries, despite they concentrate more on Tuesdays as the day contributes for 17% overall week’s content. Food and Beverage industries could rest on weekends along with their consumers, But Non Profits have to work more as they have fair chances of interactions on weekends compare to Food and Beverage industries.
Indeed, its news time for Facebook fans on Sundays as they look out for some news on this day, so Publishers need to focus on it. Technology geeks hoard on Mondays so it’s said to be the best day to post on Monday than concentrating on weekends.
According to the Infographic the best time to post to Facebook is between 8 pm to 7 a.m. According to another Infographic, the best time to post to Twitter is between 1 p.m and 3 p.m; the best time to post to LinkedIn is between 7 a.m and 9 a.m or 5.p.m and 6 pm the best time to post to Google+ s between 9 a.m and 11 a.m; and the best time to post to Pinterest is between 2 pm and 4 pm or 8 pm and 1 a.m.
Look out for the Infographic below to find more details,