Since the birth of world-wide web-in 1990, internet has grown astronomically. With 2.4 billion users worldwide and nearly 650 million websites available today, internet is very familiar term in every nook and cranny of this world. Internet is growing so gigantically that one can only dream about number of page views, downloads etc.
Akamai net usage index suggests, there are 3 million page views every minute on news sites and 10 million on social sites. It’s definitely a tedious task to analyze such huge figures, but Bostjan Spetic – after analyzing 88.3 % web traffic – came up with some astonishing results. It was procured that 50 % of the web traffic was provided by top 1200 sites, out of which 15% was originated by the top 3 sites itself.
In order to make breakdown easier, the analyzed websites were divided into 8 categories which included search, social, media, eCommerce, reference, utility fun and unknown.
Categories of classification:
- Search- to find some content, people etc. Contents sharing sites are also included in this category (ex: Google).
- Social- to socialize with others, share pictures or just to exchange conversations (ex: Facebook).
- Media- to consume news or information (ex: NY times, blogs).
- E-commerce- to buy products (ex: Amazon, flipkart etc).
- Reference- to view information regarding a place , product or a person (ex: Wikipedia).
- Utility- to use tool or infrastructure provided (ex: Gmail, Dropbox).
- Fun – to play games and have fun (ex: Zynga).
- Unknown – these are the websites in languages other than English
These categories were further fragmented according to number of page views, first 45% and then subsequent 5% and so on.
- Search is the most adopted online activity by internet users with highest number of page views. Google is the main driving force behind such extensive reach.
- Social media is one of most beloved activities and from the data available we can say that Facebook is the single largest destination with – 150 billion page views.
- With internet growing across the world, unknown (Non English) sites are also generating large amount of page views.
- Media has got almost equal influence over all types of existing websites.
- Interestingly, top sites accumulate minute referenced traffic unlike new-sites which are quite dependent on the same for traffic.