The adoption rate of smart devices (smartphones and Tablets) is augmenting with dizzying pace. In Q4 2011, sales of these devices for the first time surpassed the sales of PC, and more importantly, mobile web traffic is expected to lead desktop web traffic by 2015. According to a recent survey report from iMomentous, more number of people (working in organisation) rely on smart phones for communication purpose in the workplace. Anyway, gearing up of Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) trend has boosted the adoption rate of smart devices at workplaces. However, the trend allows companies to leverage on mobile technology for enhancing their productivity, without investing huge on these devices.
The survey report reveals that 94% of smartphone users (respondents) use their device for both personal and professional works. However, still 6% use their device for personal use only, but interestingly; none of the employees (respondents) use their device exclusively for professional works.
Only 10% of employees in organizations (respondents) use desktop computers to work all day, while 75% access their smartphones to throughout the day. Although  laptop is still primary device for handling emails, but 30% of employees access their emails through smartphones itself. Besides, 96% of employees (those are having smartphone) in organization have already accessed emails on their smartphones.
It’s beyond the shadow of the doubts that laptops and desktops still remains as the most used tools in the workplace, despite 15% of employees (respondents) believe that smartphones has now become one of the primary device for workplace communications.
Although most of people today wouldn’t consider to replace their PC with a smartphone, but the days aren’t so far to change their perception. The performance of smartphone has been improving day-over-day and soon it reaches a distinct level where user prefers smartphones over desktop PCs in terms of performance. Apple is currently working on a project to replace Intel’s processor from its Mac lineups by its own processor which is used in its smartphone and Tablets. Amazing advances in hardware and software could make smartphone a pioneer substitute of desktop in forthcoming years. Thanks to high performing mobile chips, more internal memory and multi tasking options, those have compelled users to think about their future computing device. Watch the video:
In above video, Samsung Galaxy Note II is paired with an external monitor, wireless mouse and keyboard and full sized-USB stick. Here, it’s important to describe specification of Samsung Galaxy Note II in nutshell. The device features 1280 x 720 pixels screen resolution, 2 GB RAM, 1.6 GHz quad core chip and Android 4.1 Jelly Bean OS. Indeed, it’s tough to believe that the computing device with an incredible screen resolution and  performance is now in people’s pocket.
In comparison, Commodore 64 (PC in 1983) had 1.023 MHz chip and 300 x 240 pixels screen display. Astoundingly, we could easily find such specifications even in low-end smartphones this time. Furthermore, the C64 had cost $600 in 1983, almost the same as of the Galaxy Note II today. Â However, PC still dominates over smartphone in wireless gaming control, better user experiences and ability to run multiple videos or browser Tabs on a single screen.
Video Credit: ColdFustion