Lots of friends in social-media accounts seem interesting but also leads to social stress ,When we all are enjoying our social networking sites, with all old buddies new pals, colleagues and family. We somewhere have hiccups or cut backs in presenting ourselves the way we are and the reason could be our friends circle itself.
 The study bifurcated the friends circle into friends known offline (97 percent added them as friends online), extended family (81 percent), siblings (80 percent), friends of friends (69 percent), and colleagues (65 percent). When we post, comment or even add a photo which showcases our different side of persona it results in anxiety as we present ourselves differently over different circle of friends. For example a photo of a night out or a wild party in which behaviors such as smoking drinking and hastiness is shown, the anxiety of acceptance by the group of circle, say employers or parents leads to stress and fear of embarrassment. In a study, which includes 300 Facebook users of average age of 21, Researchers found that roughly 55% of parents followed their kids on Facebook and one-half of recruiters accept to have not hired employers based on their appearances in social networking sites and 64 percent of the people said they were still Facebook friends with their exes, compared with 56 percent who were friends with their current love interests.
Interestingly, women are more indulged in social networks than men and they rank highest in Twitter Facebook and Pinterest. Indeed, they even post regularly than men do, which shows higher risk factors for women than men. This mounting pace of women users in social networks can turn out into serious problems such as anxiety and depression and even psychosis, should we call this an alarming call for women?
According to the Infographic, 56% of women use social networking sites in U.S which accounts for 81 million women, 64% of women are seen in twitter compared to 36% men , in Facebook it is of women 58% and 42% of men and Pinterest accounts for 82% of women where as only 18% of men are seen.
Social networks were to be a party but this study insights about the alarming call for women. The usage of social networks should be a time pass than a addiction.