Social Media and Social Bookmarking sites are one of the primary sources of internet traffic after Google Search engine (even better than Google Search in few cases). Numbers hold the card and each social site has got its own niche, purpose of presence and flavor of users’ type. While Facebook alone controls more than 1 Billion active users, Twitter influences half a billion users, followed by LinkedIn and Google+. However, when it comes to social bookmarking, Pinterest leaves others much behind despite of fact that its allows only images to be pinned and has no direct competition with any social site due to unique business model proposition. Foursquare, Stumbleupon, flicker are other important online social properties that have got significant say in Internet traffic origination.
However, the number of users doesn’t guarantee or reflect the exact amount of traffic one could really record. Due to versatile nature of business model each social property has got influence over categorically defined users base; LinkedIn has got better holds over professionals than Facebook, Twitter is more popular among executives over mobile than Facebook.
This interesting Infographic, by “Social Junpstart”, showcases how busy each network are and what a business/brand over social media could expect from each site in one minute. The bifurcation is really useful for business brands as they can design and define their social media marketing strategy by making a perfect blend of their niche, network and need.