Apple’s new iPhone has been lashed out by detractors for lack of innovation in the device since its launch. Initial adopters (iPhone 5 owners) around the world also criticised the device for poor mapping and navigation of ‘Apple Map’. Despite, iPhone 5 is the world’s fastest selling smartphone–5 million units were sold in first weekend of its availability.
According to a recent survey conducted by ChangeWave over 4,300 primarily North American consumers, demand of iPhone 5 among prospective smartphone buyers is quite impressive than its predecessor versions– the iPhone 4S. Â 19% of respondents were ‘very likely’ to own the new iPhone, while 13% claimed to be ‘somewhat likely’. In comparison, just 10% of respondents polled for ‘very likely’ to own the iPhone 4S in the last year when the same survey was conducted over them, while 11.5% uttered in the favor of ‘somewhat likely’.
As per survey, there’s negligible impacts (negative) of ‘Apple Map’ on iPhone 5’s shipments. Interestingly, 90% of respondents admitted that they ‘never experienced’ any problem at all with Apple’s maps app, while 1% utterly faced ‘minor issues’ with the app. Just 3% conceded that Apple Map ” a very big problem”, on the other hand, 6% said that they faced ‘somewhat of a problem’.
‘Antennagate’ issue with iPhone 4 was comparatively more serious compare to the current ‘Apple Map’ issue to iPhone 5/iOS 6 users. Even unwilling respondents (those were unlikely to own iPhone 5) accepted that they would not like to own the new iPhone because they were quite satisfied with their current smartphone.
More importantly, Samsung is the biggest competitor of Apple in smartphone segment. As Apple introduced 4G LTE chip in its new iPhone, web usages rate on iPhone 5 has mounted up. Thanks to Chitika Insight, followed the web traffic generated by Apple’s new iPhone since its release on September 21 and uncovered the fact that iPhone 5 has overtaken the Galaxy SIII in terms of web traffic volume. Chitika Insight explored “millions of mobile ads impressions” it recorded on Galaxy SIII and iPhone 5—more than half (56%) originated from the Apple’s handset.
It’s pretty known that Samsung Galaxy SIII is available in the U.S. for nearly 4 months and it has surpassed 20 million shipments figure till the end of September. Despite, iPhone 5 is ahead of Galaxy SIII  in terms of Web traffic volume. Record-breaking sales of iPhone 5 along with  new 4G browsing speeds encourage users for data usages and that’s why Apple’s latest iPhone is ahead of other smartphones in terms of web traffic volume generation.