Facebook, Twitter Are Finally Safe From Employers’ ‘Wrath’ !!!

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We live in an era where cell phone tracking in justified and hence, the presence of cell phone spy prowling around and penetrating inside your privacy is not big deal. Of course since it has always been touted as a safety measure and for the greater good of the society, privacy has been giving way to ‘criminal procedures’ for a while now, with little regard bestowed upon the fact that privacy and crime eradication are not mutually exclusive at all. Privacy has finally scored a homer, so to speak.

A few months back there was a lot of hullabaloo when it was found out that employers were asking job applicants to give them their personal social media logins. This was ostensibly because the employers would then be able to take a peek into your personal life – the people you hang out with, your favorite pastime and of course the wild party animal inside you – to get a better judgment of your character. The applicant then friends the potential employee on Facebook and their own privacy is basically thrown out of the window. And, As social media is consuming 20% of global internet usage time, employers want to make best use of it to know their potential hiring.

Applicants, of course, do have the option of turning the offer down, but the chances are that would blow up their chance of getting a job at the place – which obviously puts them in a mini quagmire.


However, Illinois has finally managed to nip the evil in the bud, and has allowed job applicants all over the state to breathe a sigh of relief. Governor Pat Quin has officially signed legislation, making social network account demands during interviews, illegal. The law started out under the title of House Bill 3782 and was instigated by Rep. La Shawn Ford (D-Chicago) and Christine Radogno (R-Lemont), Senate Minority Leader. The law takes effect from the 1st of January, and was signed by Mr. Quin at an Illinois Institute of Technology event.

The whole sharing Facebook with the employer was actually worse than employee monitoring software in fact. However, employee monitoring software can be countered in a multitude of ways. If your boss can penetrate the privacy walls on your Facebook, they can find out stuff that isn’t allowed to be asked in job interviews. Like for instance, the religion, disabilities, medical data, et al, of the applicant would be divulged against their desires. Which again rips privacy and reduces it to tiny little shreds, and the Illinois movement is scheduled to become a trailblazer for a lot of other states to help them realize the significance of privacy.


According to the Associated Press, there are many states that are following suit and taking a leaf out of Illinois’s books to pass a similar bill. Washington, Maryland, New Jersey and Delaware are mulling over similar action, as the rest of the U.S. takes notice of this groundbreaking movement. Illinois is officially the second state to impose this ban, and just like the cell phone tracking bill episode became a national issue, and then an international debate, in next to no time, expect this latest chapter in the privacy soap opera to follow the same lines.

 Natalia David, Author of this post, blogs for mobistealth; an author significantly contributes towards PC security Software, cell phone tracking and employee monitoring software. If you want to know more about Natalia you can follow her on twitter @NataliaDavid4


  1. Tracey (Bond Girl “007” Penterprises ) says…This employment/social media article is empowering…glad to know there are legal checks and balances put in place as a rampart against predatory profiling of employee prospects. I will gladly feature as a post in my licensedtoequill.com social media blog.


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