In India, numbers of multi-SIM mobile handsets are uniformly increasing day-over-days. According to a recent report, over 71 million users are currently using multiple-SIM mobile handsets; 75% out of around 5 million users are planning to buy dual-SIM mobile handsets later this year. It’s astounding me a lot that around 13% unique active mobile subscribers are currently using multiple SIM cards.
The demand of Multi-SIM mobile handsets are significantly higher in less populated towns of India compare to the high-populated. On the contrary, multi-SIM mobile handsets penetration is quite low in rural sector of India, having just 9% penetration.
Here, my intention is to find out the proliferation of Multi-SIM mobile handsets in India. We are quite familiar with the importance of Multi-SIM mobile handsets. At present, hectic lifestyle of mobile users are compelling them to maintain a healthy distance between personal and professional life. Multi-SIM mobile handset eases users to access calls from two or more different service providers. Users can make best use of services provided by two or more different telecom operators.
Just two months before, I explained the reasons why users prefer multi-SIM phones in India. Muti-SIM offers users to select better deals/plans available on two or more different networks with variant time period. One thing is most important, the multi-SIM mobile handsets are more lucrative for pre-paid users rather than post-paid. In post-paid condition, users are limited with specific plans and they can’t leave the network before accomplishment of the planning period. Just a day before yesterday, I explained why users in India prefer pre-paid device compare to post paid. Apparently, the pre-paid services are for those having very tight budget. And I think, the pre-paid users (having tight-budget) prefer multi-SIM mobile handsets.
In addition to these, the network reachability is also one of the major concerns in India. Users are more willing to always stay with the network. Ironically, India has still patchy 2G and 3G networks and it’s somehow forcing users to own have multi-SIM mobile handsets.
As I have explained earlier, users are more likely to have big ditch between professional and personal life. They prefer two different SIM for personal and professional calls and Multi-SIM mobile handsets provide a better option. However, at present, plenty of mobile handsets are available across the country at very affordable price. User are using multi-SIM to have a better control over cost in order to capitalize operators monthly deals.