It’s true that something is going wrong between Google and Apple. Both the tech-giants are trying to settle down the disputes behind the courts. Citing to a reliable source, Reuters has told that a meeting had been scheduled between chief executive of Google—Larry Page—and Apple’s CEO—Tim Cook—on this Friday, but it had been delayed due to some reasons, which is still unclear to all. However, it’s expected that they are trying to resolve the issues related to their intellectual property behind the scenes. The condition around is worsening since the declaration of Apple-Samsung verdict.
It has been rumored that both the executives had a phone conversation last week and also, the conversations have been sparked out at the lower-official level of both the companies. It’s also speculated that Page and Cook might have conversation in the coming weeks, but there’s no such confirmations.
As conditions are revealing, two companies are endeavoring to open a communication line at the higher level. Undoubtedly, Apple-Samsung verdict could be a big threat for Android smartphone vendors. According to the verdict, Samsung will have to pay $1.05 billion to Apple and also, the South Korean electronics manufacturer will have to pull out its eight flagship products from the U.S. market.
War is not the solution of any dispute and definitely, both Apple and Google are knowing this fact very-well. At present, chief executives of both the companies are looking for an intermediate solution. But, it’s still unclear whether they want to discuss on broad settlement or something else.
It’s well-known that the competition between both the tech-giants has been beefing up since last couple of years due to increasing prevalence of Google on the mobile platform. Apple does not want to rely on Google’s products and that’s why, it has dumped ‘Google Map’ and ‘YouTube’ from iOS 6 devices.
It’s true that  Samsung, HTC and some other smartphone vendors fueled Android market share around the world. But, Apple’s path is also covered with thorns; Motorola Mobility filed a complaint against Apple’s device for infringing its patents. It’s clear that Motorola Mobility is now the part of Google and the world leading giant could leverage over its patents.