As the numbers of mobile gadgets are increasing, with similar fashion, the bandwidth consumption is also mounting up tremendously. Moreover, the universities/colleges are struggling to keep up their bandwidths due to augmenting figure of mobile gadgets inside the premises since the last couple of years. According to an infographic provided by “Online Colleges”, students are now owning three or four web-capable devices such as iPads, laptops and game consoles.
Undoubtedly, we can’t ignore the importance of mobile devices especially Tablets, smartphone and laptops in the colleges/universities. At present, 41% of students have usually 3 or more devices, which are kept connected to internet at one time inside the colleges/universities premises. Majority of colleges (77% ) have reported that increasing mobile gadgets inside the premises have impacted on their networks, however, 68% of institutions allow students unlimited connectivity to access internet on their residential network.
Indeed, it’s important to know about the availability of Bandwidth inside the college/ university premises. 30.7% colleges/universities are providing bandwidth of just 1-100 Mbps, while 30.7% of colleges/universities have 100-to-500 Mbps bandwidth. Interestingly, more than of 2G Gbps bandwidth is being provided by just 7% of colleges/unviersitie, while 18.5% of colleges/universities are providing bandwidth of 1-2 Gbps.
Tablets are considered as the largest bandwidth consumer with 89.5% of consumption, followed by smartphone (85.6%), iPods/iPods Touches (76.4%) and e-readers (68.1%). In addition to these, 50% of IT departments use to pay to residential networks for bandwidth supply, but they are unable to recover the cost. At present, 75.9% of colleges are dedicating just 20% or less of their annual IT budget for residential computer networking.
See the infographic for further details: