In Q2 of this year, Samsung outsold Apple in terms of smartphone shipments. Android’s ‘halo effect’ has been prevailed everywhere even in the U.S.. One side, where market share of Android and iOS are continuously increasing, while other side, market share of RIM and Symbian are uniformly decreasing quarter-over-quarter. A market research firm “ComScore MobiLens” has conducted a survey over 30,000 U.S. mobile subscribers during three months average period ended June of this year and found Samsung and Android were leading in OEM and mobile OS segments respectively during Q2 of this year.
Market Share Of Mobile OS In The U.S.Â
Till the end of Q2 of this year, more than 110 million folks in the U.S. owned Smartphone, showed off an increment of 4% compare to the previous quarter.  Google Android succeeded to grab 51.6% market share in Q2 of this year, followed by Apple’s iOS, RIM’s BlackBerry and Microsoft’s Windows Phone/Windows Mobile, which managed to hold 32.4%, 10.7% and 3.8% market share respectively during the same period.
Market share Of Mobile Handset Vendors
In the U.S., 234 million users (aged 13 and older) had mobile devices till the end of Q2 of this year. Samsung led over other vendors with 25.6 market share in Q2 of this year, followed by LG, Apple and Motorola with 18.8%, 15.4% and 11.7% market share respectively. Market share of Apple and HTC grew up by 1.4% and 0.4% respectively during three month average period ended June this year compare to the previous quarter. Despite of leading in the U.S. mobile handset market, Samsung lost some of its market share to Apple and HTC in Q2 of this year.
Usages Of Mobile Contents:
During three months average period ended June 2012, users’s engagement on mobile devices mounted up incredibly. Users accessed their mobile devices for texting, downloading apps, browsing, playing game and listening music more in Q2 of this year compare to the previous quarter. See the table below for getting a detail information about the usages of mobile contents by users during Q2 of this year.
Indeed, the study is quite informative. Market share of Samsung and LG plunged during Q2 of this year, while Apple and HTC grew up their market share. On the other side, market share of Android and iOS surged during Q2 of this year on the cost of Nokia’s Symbian, Microsoft ‘s Windows Phone/Windows Mobile and RIM’s BlackBerry.
Image Courtesy: ComScore