How To Increase Battery Life Of Your Android Device !

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Most of the Android fans have complaints about the battery consumption and this issue is not only limited to Android devices. Those days are gone when “phone was only a phone”. But now phones are used for multiple purposes and it has become a part of everyone’s lives. So it is obvious that multiple applications running on your phone, consume more battery than the traditional phone. The first job for most of the people after returning home, is to charge their mobile device. So what could be done to save battery consumption in your Android devices.

Reduce screen brightness:

Shiny bright screen might be a treat to your eye, but it consumes lot of mobile battery in any device. By reducing the brightness of the screen, you can save an optimum amount of battery obviously.

reduce brightness

 Close Unused Applications:

Most of the times we use multiple applications and forget to terminate apps after use. So what happens is that it runs in the background, eventually draining the battery. Have a habit of closing applications after use or find out the apps running in the background and close them.

apps running on the background

Turn off Wifi, Bluetooth, GPS:

Often users forget to enable or disable Wifi or Blutooth or Gps, when it is not in use. So it consumes battery energy even when we aren’t using it. When a person is nearby a Wifi spot, your Gprs is automatically turned off and the Wifi is activated. Later when you walk away from the spot, it consumes battery power and you probably might have forgotten to turn it off. So the next time you are done with the GPS usage on the road or aren’t using Bluetooth or Wifi, remind yourself to turn them off. Use the widgets to toggle Bluetooth, GPS or Wifi

trun off bluetooth wifi


Use headset:

Loud music on your mobile device has the potential to drain your battery faster. To save battery life, make use of headset to listen to the music.

Unnecessary Widgets:

drain battery

Be careful of bombarding your screen with a number of widgets. Because some widgets have to update automatically, eventually it consumes battery. So use only necessary widgets that is more reliable and just uninstall the rest.

Use a dark theme & avoid animated wallpapers:

dark theme android


Use dark themes for your Android phones as dark background consume less battery. And animated gif or wallpaper run in the background, eventually consuming the battery power. So avoid setting animated images as your wallpaper.

Install Adblock and flashblock and uninstall unused apps:

The ad material or the flash content in any web page that you visit, is also responsible for delayed page display and it also eats away battery power. Install apps like adblock and flash block to block the content in web pages. You can allow ads or flash content on certain pages. All those unused applications should be uninstalled as they are unnecessary and use battery power.


Use built in battery usage on Android:

Use the built in battery usage, by which you can find out applications running and find how much battery each app is consuming, which will be useful to for you to decide weather to uninstall or turn off a particular app.

android battery

Keep away from heat:

Keep your device away from heat and take it out of your pocket, when you are at office as heat might also help to consume further battery from your android devices.

Standby mode:

Keep your phone in standby mode when you are not using the phone. You can set time for your phone to go on standby mode automatically.



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