Already there are several bunches of low profile websites all around the globe, encouraging users to flee out of their websites, especially those websites with very high page loading time. Website owners are investing a lot for an advanced website, which is the only platform to establish a business online. Any website has only a window of time frame to impress users towards their business and which should not be taken lite.
ChilliApple – Surrey based start-up, provides high-end cost-effective technical expertise in India (Chilli) with reliable English project management and ingenuity in the UK (Apple).
ChilliApple offer end to end solutions for Websites, including Mobile Website or Mobile Apps development on platforms like iPhone/ iPad, Android and Blackberry. Also ChilliApple build websites from small portfolio sites , microsite to full-blown database and e-commerce sites along with marketing and support.
The team members of the firm are experts in design including tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe Flash, Fireworks, Adobe In design, CSS, HTML5 and XHTML. As HTML5 is the latest in market, most of the website owners are opting for HTML5 based sites. To give the right impression, they offer innovative logo design, graphics, Web design layouts, animation and content management system.
Here are the screenshots of some of their recent works on the mobile platform.
Chilliapple provide a complete online communication package, using the most advanced technical services like Mysql, Ajax, Php, Xml, Perl, and Adobe Dreamweaver. Chilliapple build user-friendly and innovative sites like e-commerce, intranet/extranet, blogs/twitters and content management system.
A website might look very good and may perform assigned task perfectly but the most important factor for the success of such applications only lies with security.
Hackers use some of the virus like “Sql injection” to hack into the database and steal or manipulate the data. Some use cross-site scripting (XSS) to gain access to the data and most use your website to spread virus. As a result your website most probably may get blacklisted by Google, eventually letting all your business efforts down the drain.
Chilliapple provides solutions for all such problems and fills all those probable vulnerabilities in the website.