British Folks Under 25 View News Updates via Social Media[Study]

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People from country like Britain are dependent on social media for news. The statement is strange but it’s true. People in the UK are using social media to update themselves about the latest happenings or news, especially news related to electronic media.

As Sited to a report from Reuters, The Telegraph states that people under the age of 25, in Britain, are preferring social media to get themselves aware of the latest news around them. British people belonging to the age group 16 -24 are 43% more likely to view news via Social media. Whereas people over 45 age (about 33%), use the basic search engines like Google to surf for news update. However, 11% of the users, over the age 45 are preferring social media for the news updates.

Facebook is most popular social media in UK for news updates. (Note: Currently, there are 30642820 Facebook users in the United Kingdom, with 59.57% Penetration of the online population and 55% people share news on Facebook). While 23% and 33% people share news through mails and Twitter respectively.

A shocking news to know is that one of the most professional social networking  websites ,”LinkedIn”(especially for the professionals) and Google’s most talkative social networking website Google+  is less used as social media websites for news sharing in the UK. Among the news readers 23 % of users are loving to enhance their thoughts along with the news related to  technology where 19% of people are interested in business and finance related news. However, the peoples belonging to the other countries like Denmark are most likely prefers international news nearly 65% while in case of Britons it is only 44%.

The reason behind the popularity of social media among the users under 25 is Facebook’s latest upcoming features and popularities. (The largest Facebook user’s age group in the UK is currently 25 to 34, with a total of 7 660 705 users, followed by the users at the age of 18 to 24 with 24% of users). Many Facebook users, in comparison to other social media like Twitter and Google +, are the key factor for this trend.


Apart from this, Britons are using their mobile device for update news. Only 58% of British tablet users access news every week from their own device, which is more than any other online users.



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