We know that two third of the globe is filled with water; Only 2% of water is fresh drinking water and that too is being polluted by the social animals (human beings) either by excessive use, wasting or making it direct. In fact, many of us don’t even bother about this while ‘peeing’ in clean and running water to make the situation nasty. Therefore, it has become every human’s responsibility to stand up, act and educate others to save water from being polluted.
Achtung teamed up with Waternet to save water from being polluted this way. However the saving water campaign was not an old styled topic to promote; the strategy is completely new!
Waternet is responsible for cleaning drain water in Amsterdam. They introduced this crazy, amusing game called “Potje Pissen “which is purely depended upon the peeing ability of a person. And, here is the fund part; the person, who will pee till the highest level, will take the crown along with his water tax ‘return back’ offer. Each year on “Queens’s day” people come to Amsterdam and use the drain water for the local toilets due to heavy alcoholic intoxication.
“Potje Pissen” is a multi player game, played by the player with one’s peeing capability. The promotion of this kind of game is not valid in society, however the makers of the game are totally happy with returned appreciation over the game and water saving issue. Undoubtedly, this game won’t give any revenue to the Waternet but definitely reduce their work – in future.
However, it is nice to see the level of education and awareness towards water saving campaign among the people mind? Hopefully it does not create any issue for the honest public in Amsterdam, as we know that the behavior of a drunk person is never been trusted 🙂
Have a look and enjoy this crazy but really interesting campaign video, after this break.
Waoo its an great video ,this type of events should be promoted in India also.