In the U.S, users are now more relying on their Smartphone for online shopping and in-store activities. But, we are really eager to know how users are using their Smartphone for in-store activities in the country. A research analysis firm “Nielsen” has reportedly stated that the consumers’ behavior changes according to in-Store type. The research was primarily focused on Smartphone users’ behaviour while performing various activities like reading reviews, use of discount coupons and use of QR Codes. Interestingly, study reveals that users’ behaviour get change as per the desired activity.
In terms of Reading the Review, consumers are more likely to visit electronics stores through their Smartphone, followed by department store and mass merchandiser. The survey has revealed that 73% consumers are more fervent to read reviews of electronics store, followed by department store, mass merchandiser and office supply store with the penchant of 43%, 34% and 22% respectively. It’s clear from the below chart that consumers are less willing to read review from Convenience and Dollar Store through their Smartphone in the country.
For getting products detail, consumers are more interested to scan QR code of Electronics Store, followed by departmental Store, Mass Merchandiser, and grocery Store. 57% Smartphone users are interested to get electronics product details from Electronic Stores, while 36%, 31%, and 26% are willing to see the products detail from “Department Store”, “Mass Merchandiser” and “Grocery Store” respectively. Again, users are not interested to know products detail from “Dollar Store” and “Furniture Store”.
Smartphone users are more likely to use or request a coupons from Grocery and Department Store across the country. According to survey, 41% Smartphone users in the country accepted to use or request coupons equally from Grocery Store and department Store each, followed by clothing Store, Electronics Store and Mass merchandiser with 39%, 29% and 26% respectively.
It quite clear form the survey report that Smartphone users are more fervent to read the detail and reviews of products from Electronic Stores, but amid to use or requests coupons from Grocery Stores in the U.S. However, one thing is quite obvious that a meager percentages of users are interested either to know detail or use coupons from Dollar or Furniture Stores in the country.
Source: Nielsen