Emart Sunny Sale: Brilliant Adoption Of QR Code With 3D Effects [Video]

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I am sure there will be very few who have heard about 3D QR code ! That’s why I always love and like to praise Koreans for their open-heart and innovative ideas to adopt technology closer to daily life. Few months back we featured another case study of One of the leading retain chain in Korea who superbly managed to improve its sales figure with the help of QR Codes. In case if you missed that, you can definitely read and see the video here.

Today, we bring you another example of a unique styled QR Code marketing case study that has helped one of the retail giants of Korea – Emart – not only to improve its sales but also created excitement and buzz among people to shop more. Emart installed uniquely designed three dimensional QR code across the city for people to scan and shop with the help of their smartphone. So, what’s so unique in this – The 3D QR code works only for an hour, between 12 to 1 in noon. The QR code was designed in such a manner that it needs Sun shadow in order to get into the complete shape for people to scan.

Emart has named the campaign as “Sunny Sale” as it can’t be performed without the help of sun raises. And people who used to patiently wait for the clock to match its needles at same number get fat 25% off if they shop during the specified hours using the 3D QR code scan.

Needless to say, the campaign helped Emart to register massive growth in its sales figures in no time. Consequently, company doubled the installation of its 3D QR codes for people to scan and shop more efficiently during lunch time.

QR code is the future of smartphone and with the explosive growth and adoption of mobile network, surely it has got own share in many more exciting innovative smartphone campaigns coming in future. Here is the video of Emart Sunny Sale after this break;



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