In last few months Google has made drastic changes in its search algorithms which resulted into extreme shift in organic search traffic for many sites. Though, there are sites/logs which have got improved ranking after the latest Penguin Update on 24 April, the number of penalized sites due to such change is much higher.
Webmasters and Bloggers are crying foul by Google for pacing such complex algo for ranking links and results. Sites, which were fetching a significant amount of organic search traffic through Google, have lost 305 – 40% traffic due to recent updates which have been rolling out by Google for last few months.
A frequent revamp in link ranking algorithm is being the major cause of concern for most of the webmasters and monthly change in such algo has dismantled all efforts of re-optimization. The recent Penguin update by Google has only complicated the issue for many SEO experts and webmasters. Infact, many are considering the recent Google Penguin update as end of link optimization and SEO industry.
However, Google doesn’t agree with such thoughts and slowly releasing helps for people. Making few things clear, Google has clearly conveyed the message that search giant will no more dance on the tune on SEO experts and pundits and only the quality links, contents and domain will be getting priority in search results.
Matt Cutts, Google’s SEO experts working for Google Search Quality group, has released a new video which explains the new algo over how Google is ranking pages and links after new penguin update. The video is a part of series by Matt Cutts explaining over Google’s new algo of rating and ranking links after recent updates.
Undoubtedly, the video is quite helpful and will surely benefit webmasters and other SEO experts to bring back their business in shape. Video after this break;