Apple’s products have undoubtedly revolutionized the world, and now, everyone wants to hold its products in their hand. In the last couple of years, iPad has attracted a large numbers of folks in the U.S. and 25% of them have told the device is their first-ever purchase of any Apple product. According to a recent data from NPD, just 33% of the U.S. households having Apple products, however, the number is substantially increasing and has surpassed to 37 million households (owing Apple products), appreciating to Apple iPad, which has lured majority of households in the last couple of years.
The report has also stated that iPad is growing in this market as much higher than other Apple products. Presently, one out of five Apple owners have Mac computers and 67% household are currently owing iPod–among 82% of iPod owners said that the media player was their first Apple product purchase.
The survey was conducted by NPD over 3,000 consumers in the U.S. in February of this year. The surveyed revealed that over 70% of long standing Apple owners started their relationship with the company after iPod purchase, however, the number has been declined to just 57% in  the last two years–among those entered to Apple franchise. Now, newcomers (coming to the brand franchise) are more preferring to buy the iPhone and iPad as their Apple device rather iPod.
According to the report, Â average home in the U.S. are owing 2.4 Apple devices. It does not mean that Apple products are dominating in the country, still, six in the ten homes with Mac are owning Windows PC.
Previously, a report revealed that over 55 million households in the U.S. are having at least one Apple device such as iPhone, iPod, iPad or Mac computer. According to this report, male, college-educated and younger folks were more willing to own Apple’s devices. Besides, income also played a vital role in the purchase of Apple products in the country, just 28% of folks, whose income less than $30,000, had at least one Apple device during the survey period, while, the number was 77% for folks having income more than $75,000.