A voracious appetite of American consumers to use mobile devices for transmitting and receiving a heavy data such as videos and a file of large sizes, has created overburden on mobile traffics across the country. In the U.S., folks have been addicted in streaming more movies, downloading more numbers of apps and viewing a large numbers of websites on their wireless devices. As the penetration of Smartphones and Tablets  are increasing, with the similar fashion, mobile data traffic is also augmenting. According to a recent survey from the CTIA, annual wireless data traffic grew to 866.7 billion megabytes in 2011, up by 123% from 388 billion MB in 2010. The active Smartphone and wireless-enabled PDAs were 111.5 million in 2011, grew 43% compare to 78.2 million a year before.
In order to fulfill the demand of wireless data consumption in the U.S., mobile providers are staggering significant investments in their infrastructure. However, networks have been upgraded from 3G to 4G, and it’s somehow viable to manage the data consumption across the country. Despite of this, the increasing demand of data consumption in the country has compelled the mobile operators to adopt 5G networks. Previously, I have elaborated what’s the need to adopt 5G technology worldwide?
The capital expenditure on wireless infrastructures was $25.3 billion in 2011, up 2% from 2010. In the U.S., wireless providers has been invested $246 billion in capital expenditures in order to meet consumers’ wireless access demand. Wireless connections were 331.6 million (104.6% penetration)  in 2011, up 7% from 311 million a year before in Dec 2010.
A 12 months survey results from 2011 has stated that Wireless-enabled Tablets, laptops and modems were 20.2Â million, up 49% from 13.6 million in Dec 2010. Likewise, numbers of active data-capable devices were 295.1 million in Dec. 2011, grew 9% from 270.5 million a year before in the same month. In addition to these, the numbers of SMS and MMS sent and received were 2.304 trillion and 52.8 billion respectively in Dec. 2011.
Via: BGR