As the penetration of high-end mobile devices is increasing across the world, with the same swift, the mobile ads industry revenue is also increasing year-on-year. Undoubtedly, the Mobile World Congress (MWC) has always been the most preferred platform for mobile handsets manufacturers as well tech-savvies worldwide. The mobile traffic are also increasing with dizzying pace and it has reached to its threshold value. This time, the situation demands an advent of 5G networks across the world to resolve the data overload issues. The users are more relying on the mobile devices for online shopping rather than to present physically in the retail shops. This is the main reason why mobile ads are frequently increasing on the devices day-over day.
Indeed, Mobile ads industry growth has astonished to everyone around the world. A mobile app monetization exchange– inneractive— has recently provided an infographic which demonstrates the staggering growth of mobile ads industry worldwide. According to the infographic, mobile ads clicks revenue has increased by 711%, while ad request mount up by 698% in just a 12-months span.
Apple contributed 981% to total mobile ads revenue in the last year ending in March of this year, followed by Android, Nokia and BlackBerry which accounted 759%, 423% and 265% respectively. For getting more information the infographic has been provided here:
Source: GIGaom